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I will be taking this down in a bit. - Very OT - Medical

Willow2010's picture

So...I went to my gyno for yearly pap the other day. He said he felt a small tumor right on my urethra/bladder. So he sent me to a urologist.

Urologist can feel tumor thru vagina, but can not see tumor on the little probe camera he inseted into bladder. (cystoscopy). Said my bladder and urethra we normal and clear. So he still does not know what it is but wants to do an MRI. And then surgery to remove the mass.

UGH...I am so freaked out. I hate putting my business out her like this, but I was just wondering if anyone has ever went through anything like this?


DaizyDuke's picture

Oh no! how awful! hope everything ends up OK! I have a very dear friend who was just diagnosed with high grade aggressive Ovarian Cancer. She is only 35. THANKFULLY, she just found out it is stage one and they are VERY optimistic about her outcome with surgery and chemo. But gosh, I just can't imagine what she is going through.


kathc's picture

If it's so small they can feel it but not see it that's a very good thing...means they caught it early. I hope everything is ok!

arjuna79's picture

Are they sure it's not simply a cystocele? (prolapse of bladder into vaginal canal?) Otherwise, if there is a history of pelvic surgery, endometriosis, even laparoscopy, there can be adhesions that clump up and mimic the feel of a "tumor" there. That's an odd place for a tumor, but a very common place for adhesions to cause mischief.

misSTEP's picture

Hospitals/doctors tend to start with worst case scenario. I bet it is nothing to worry about.

I recently went in because I was to have an ablation. They found tumors so did a biopsy for cancer. It wasn't. But fibroids so big they have to do a complete hysterectomy (tomorrow). They asked if I wanted to keep my ovaries. I said take them too! I'm not using them. One less thing to get cancer on/in.

Willow2010's picture

Thanks..Good luck misstep!

One thing that bothered me a little was the DR ask me at least 3 times if I wanted to have my bladder lifted (sling) while he was taking out the tumor. I kept telling him I was not sure about that. Anyone ever had that?

misSTEP's picture

I JUST talked to a coworker who had that done when she had a hysterectomy. She loved it because it helped with the little bit of leaking problem she had when running or sneezing.

misSTEP's picture

Just remember, even if it is a tumor, they can be benign as well. That's what threw ME for a loop. Tumor doesn't necessarily mean cancer.

Most Evil's picture

Thinking of you and hoping for the best!! It sounds like it could be nothing, but you get a,free lift!! I say do it!! I did not know that was possible, hmm!! Smile

Pilgrim Soul's picture

Good luck! You will be fine, you just need to have it thoroughly checked out.

You are young and strong!