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PAS and the adult child

Wicked2Three's picture


SS came back to town yesterday on college break. I suggested that he have breakfast with his Dad. They thought it was a great idea and they would talk today about the time. He called tonight and said that he can't make it for breakfast as they had planned because his mommy made an appointment for him to get his haircut at the same time!

#1) Why is BM still making appointments for him?

#2) Everyone knows that one of the tactics of an alienating parent is to schedule things for the children of the other parents time. This "kid" is 19! Come on!

She must lay awake at night planning this crap! Between BM and the kid, I don't know which one is more irritating.

Vent vent vent


sarahbernheart's picture

guilt is a terrible thing, I know my youngest would do things for his dad just because his dad will guilt him into it, (like cancel time with me or friends) maybe SS doesnt really want to get his hair cut maybe he feels guilty cuz MOM went to all that trouble to schedule it for him and HOW could he cancel it.
some people are just plain selfish, I feel really bad for your husband!

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."