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the soap opera continues

whoami's picture

so my talk with bf last night did not go so well. he started the conversation by telling me that he lied about a couple of things and that most importantly the phone incident the other night turned into a huge disaster. he tells me that bm heard me telling him 'to get off the phone, tell her we're having dinner' (this is right before i unplugged the phone because i was tired of him yelling at her). so apparently she said 'tell her to f***k off, i can talk to you whenever i want to.'

so after i left that night to clear my head and to have some wine, she called back and spoke to bf again (this was one of the lies - he said they didn't speak after that). she was asking if he was going to take the kids or what - i'm like hello crazy woman, you just left a vm telling him to f**k off and he wasn't taking the kids. i don't even wanna know how the conversation went.

the following night he had to pick up sd for soccer practice after work. i don't go with him because they live 45 monutes away and it's closer to his work. sd asked why she couldn't stay with him and he said he was busy. so she kicked him in the shins and said 'i hate you so much'. i know this must have hurt him. after practice he took sd and ss to dinner and 16 yo ss was asking about the fight he had with bm. he also said 'mama said ____ was yeling at you to get off the phone. she wouldn't let mama talk to you. i can't believe that.' bf replied 'that's because your mama was yelling at me and ____ was getting upset. we were having dinner'. he continued to explain that their mama had to right to yell at him, etc etc.

so as he drops them off bm comes out to talk to him and starts going off about me, saying things like 'why the hell are you with her. she had no right to not let me talk to you, etc, etc. said she was going to tell me off. apparently he said to her 'i know your games. you don't want me but you don't want anyone else to have me either. you lost your priviledge to yell at me when you divorced me. also ___ is a good person and has been very good to your kids'.

now i guess he was defending me here? but i still don't feel good about the fact they were having that kind of conversation.

so ff to lsat night - during our talk he said he's confused about continuing to make this work (that makes both of us). he is afraid that bm is not only making skids hate him, but now really hate me. it already is breaking his heart she is putting the kids against him. he said it's going to get worse. and that i should also expect completely different behavior from the kids as bm has already started planting horrible things about me in their ears. bf is an extremely sensitive guy. he cries alot. i am very sensitive too - between the 2 of us we're a big ball of tears. he's afraid that if we already have problems and fight now, it will increasingly get worse from here because bm is starting war, he's not sure either of us will be able to take it.

and maybe he's right. i keep reading ann's post about the best advice. i think i've read it about 20+ times so that i can keep myself calm but last night i was a mess. i could not sleep at all. i kept thinking about writing bm an email. not a nasty one but a very polite one telling her things like she's done a great job raising her kids and that i respect her for that and that i care about her kids very much and it concerns me that there is so much yelling and perhaps we can turn this into a more positive thing, and that i ddidn't want her to misunderstand the phone incident, etc etc.

i don't know if this is the right thing to do or not but we have only said 2 words to eachother in the past (very little interaction) and i don't see how a nice email can do any damage. maybe it can actually do some damage control? i know she may never like me but maybe a positive email may calm her down a bit? i don't want to feed the flames, that's for sure. has anyone else done anything like this? i was also thinking of hand writing really nice letters to the kids?

maybe i should just let it go. after all, she is not my ex, so not my problem but the way this is going i feel it's going to become more of my problem. it is beginning to affect me and my relationship with bf. it's all so immature and damaging to everyone, especially the kids.

so i got 1 hour of sleep last night total. i am exhausted.


Stepmom_C's picture

I'm so sorry to hear that. My DH is very sensitive also. I think this makes establishing boundaries extremely difficult. It's not that he doesn't want to stand up for you, he obviously does and he did stand up for you BIG TIME by making that statement to BM. The problem is a lot of times sensitive men marry very controlling women. Sounds like the BM you deal with is extremely controlling and not in a good way. You are very strong and independent, you stand up for yourself and are controlling in a good way. It's pronbably what attracted your fiance to you. You try and establish boundaries and are great about setting up plans of action when dealing with all of this. But he has to enforce the plans and deal with her, not you. That was the hardest part for me personally. I'm used to solving problems and "fixing" things. Doesn't work in this situation.

I wouldn't write the BM. It will fuel her fire. It's not you. You could be any woman. BM is going to make you miserable (only if you let her) and your fiance as well. She wants him to be alone and miserable and also at her beck and call. The only thing you and fiance can change is your reaction to her. That's all you have... Like Anne says - "she's renting space in your head." It's also the hardest thing to figure out how to just let it go.

Good luck. Only you can decide if it's all worth it. Like you see from this site the answer may vary from day to day. You may be stronger than you think but everyone here would understand if you walked away. It's a difficult situation.

whoami's picture

i don't know why but everytime i get input from you, it almost calms me. you really have a way of seeing things from a great perspective and i can relate to what you're saying in alot of ways. where you ever at a point where you wanted to just walk away?

i really love him. sometimes i wonder if i just me over reacting a bit.

yeah, i after i posted this i realize the email idea is probably not good.

thanks so much. you have no idea how much you have helped.

Stepmom_C's picture

Thanks for the feedback. I'm so glad that it calms you!! I think everyone in this situation at some point thinks of walking away. I really didn't when we were dating. I don't think the reality of the situation hit me until later.

I too was in my 30's, we dated for a few months(yep, too soon after the divorce and before established boundaries), and were married 6 months later. Probably 2-4 months into it is when I thought I made a horrible mistake.

What we did was go to serious, regular counseling and I researched this and found the website along with several books. Tell you the truth that's when the real boundaries began to unfold and it wasn't easy. But it is so much better now (married 2 years). I decided that I would rather learn to pick my battles and stick with it because at the root of it all I loved him and loved my SD's.

It's not an easy road but yours will get easier. You have to tell yourself (and your fiance) that you will stick together no matter what. Figure out what you two can live with and the BM will fall into place. She'll always resist. But with consistentcy you can learn to live with it and she will eventually back down.

chellebelle143's picture

I tried the calm nice approach once, it got me followed around a local store by BM, and two 13 y/o kids(one being her dd). I am in the store picking out clothing for not only my sons but her son as well, and this 40 y/o woman followed me and dh around the store. She was actually pointing out to the kids where we were,so they could follow us too. She really looked like a moron, we blew her off for about 20 mins. Then I finally turned around and said if you have a problem or something you need to discuss, we are right here...ok so maybe I didn't put it quite like that,but you get the idea. She left the store in a rush after that.

It was at that point, that I realized my attempt at being civil was taken for fear and she thought she could bully me. I did exactly as Anne said, I disengaged. BM calls when I am the only one available to answer the phone , she gets the business tone, I save for special people like telemarketers. DH doesn't deal with her personally when it comes to visitation. Our scheduling is the same week to week, during the school year. So for holidays and summer vacation we put the schedule in writing, and send it registered mail with delivery confirmation. It is more work, but so worth it!

I am not saying this is the way it should be in all situations, it is just what works for us.

**How seldom we weigh our neighbors in the same balance as ourselves. ~Thomas à Kempis**