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For Sally - a beast of a Medusa update :-)

WalkOnBy's picture

Sally messaged me this morning and asked me for an update on Medusa being served. I told her that I had updated in this blog -

In my response to Sally, I told her that I was very surprised that Medusa hadn't begun harassing Perfect Paralegal. Well, speak of the devil and the devil shall appear. For you, dear Sally!!! All errors are Medusa's.

"U tell UR client that im not answering 1 fucking question abut my income its none of his fucking business."

This was what Medusa emailed to PP with a copy to Awesome Attorney. There was more, but she hasn't sent it to me yet. Keep in mind, SHE is the one who asked for the review and she certainly knows that we WILL see her income on the FOC worksheet when the recommendation comes out.

Here we go again. Gonna have to get my Xanax prescription refilled.


BeatnLikeARedHeadedStepMom's picture

Seriously? She actually worded her email that way? Judges really don't care for foul language and your Awesome Attorney is simply asking for what he is entitled to ask for. She is shooting herself in the foot - idiot.

WalkOnBy's picture

Oh yeah, she words all her texts and emails that way. The Judge has seen them all before - lol!!

I don't think you were here when the story of Medusa unfolded.

Think NPB/BPD with a touch of fuck you and the horse you rode in on. THAT'S Medusa.

WalkOnBy's picture

The only person who EVER claimed that Medusa was smart was Medusa. Even when the Judge told her (in a packed courtroom, no less) that she had a "potty mouth that would shame a sailor" and that her "anger towards the new wife is like nothing he has ever seen" she STILL put shit like that in writing!!

Tuff Noogies's picture

that's cuz she has, like, the biggest bah-rain EEEEEHHHHH-VURRRRRRRRRRRRR.

jeez i didnt think i could roll my eyes that far up my head!

keepin' it classy, medusa. she's such a fucking idiot.

WalkOnBy's picture

Right? I know she has no intention of answering the discovery. But, we have every intention of objecting to any recommendation that lowers the amount of support she (doesn't) pay. She makes waaaaaaay more money than she lets on and we can prove it.

hereiam's picture

She is quite a....something, I'm just not sure what. I mean, the usual adjectives are just not enough.

WalkOnBy's picture

Oh yes, she is a gem of a woman.

you DO remember some of the texts Awesome Attorney made her read into the record during the PPO hearing and other hearings, right??

Such a lady, that one.

WalkOnBy's picture


When DH and I decided to fight this and rehired Awesome Attorney, I negotiated a flat fee with him because I KNOW she won't respond and will drag things out as long as possible and we will have to make multiple trips to the other side of the state.

I think AA is really going to regret making that deal with me }:)