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"Please cure this deficiency" - OR - the letter to Medusa

WalkOnBy's picture

Around 9PM last night, I got an email from Perfect Paralegal. It was a draft of the letter to Medusa regarding the deficiencies in her discovery responses. It. Was. Awesome!!

Four pages of a paragraph by paragraph dissection of her responses, most of which ended with “your responses are deficient. Please cure this deficiency.” Bwa ha ha ha!

Medusa included some photographs, which were not requested, of household items on racks in a store. Of course, they are photos of her stupid store, but she claims that she has no interest in The Medusa Store, but rather is merely a consignor. She also included a photograph of what I assume is her mother’s colostomy bag (she whined to the Referee about how her mother is ill and that’s why she couldn’t comply with the discovery requests for over four months!) EWWWWWWWWWWWW and a photograph of what I assume is her mother’s legs and feet covered in sores and weeping wounds. Again, EWWWWWWWWWWWW.

In response to those things, here is what Awesome Attorney wrote – “Your inclusion of random pictures of unidentified items is irrelevant and it remains unclear what your intended purpose was in tendering same with your deficient discovery responses. The same can be said for the sordid pictures of an unidentified person’s health related issues that I imagine that person would prefer to remain private. “

I think her head will explode – lol!!! I see another fine in her future…


WalkOnBy's picture

I just noticed that the photo of the legs was taken in the hospital - I can see the sides of the hospital bed.

She has NO SHAME!!!

I really need someone to do some Medusa spying for me Smile

robin333's picture

Few things piss me off more than someone using another person's suffering/illness for personal gain. What a f*ck ing b*tch. I see where ASS gets his screwed up personality.

WalkOnBy's picture

Perfect Paralegal just emailed me "I bet these pictures aren't even her mother. I bet she just found them online and printed them off."

Could be true, I suppose. :sick: