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Happy birthday to ASS!

WalkOnBy's picture

Well, ladies and gents, today is the day.

ASS turns 18.

DH and I had a loooooong conversation last night about what to do about ASS'S disrespect and obstinance not that he is an adult.

Resolved - if ASS so much as opens his mouth to say "I am an adult, you can't insert thing here" he will be out the door. Done with school or not done with school. He will be shipped of to DH's parents.

We shall see, folks, we shall see.

My prediction is that ASS continues to avoid me (which is totally fine by me) and just stay at school or the library and/or hide out in his stenchy room.

Fingers crossed Smile


WalkOnBy's picture

allegedly off to the grandparents - it's not entirely clear that ASS has spoken to either set of grandparents to see if it's okay with them.

DH and I also discussed that it's a one way door for ASS - he will not be welcome back if he is still unwilling to go to school or work AND live by the house rules....

How's it going with BabyFace????

WalkOnBy's picture

Yeah - that's how I feel, too. The minute someone who is completely dependent upon me for food, clothes and shelter utters the "A" word?

well, they are more than welcome to take their adult ASS right out the front door Smile

robin333's picture

In 3 months, you will be posting like Cocktail Hour did yesterday. Everything will be sweeter, easier, and more joyous. I can't wait for you!

notsobad's picture

Oh, he'll say it.
He won't physically be able to keep it in! He's been waiting for this, this magical moment when he's an Adult and you have to listen to him!

Tuff Noogies's picture

}:) }:) }:) and wob's been waiting for that magical moment too, cuz it'll be shortly followed by the sight of ASS' ass walking out the door for the last time.

i wait with baited breath!

WalkOnBy's picture

nah, I don't think he will say it. He knows that I would call the school and report him as not living in the district anymore before his feet hit the end of my driveway.

WalkOnBy's picture

oh, don't worry, tuff - IF he ever utters those words, you will be the first person I call. AFTER I show ASS the door Smile

WalkOnBy's picture

Yeah-what cocktail said. That bitch hasn't seen her children in four years and can't be bothered to pay child support. In fact, constantly tries to get her child support lowered because now that she has to pay it, $1100 a month is just entirely too much

WalkOnBy's picture

Yes-no addiction with Medusa, either.

She, too, used the children as weapons against my husband. If you didn't give her what she wanted when she wanted, she would withhold the children.

She alienated the hell out of them and then, when the courts began to see what was really going on, my husband was given full custody. That was in early January 2012. She hasn't laid eyes on those kids sense.

She wouldn't even let them go back to the house to get their belongings. Instead, she sold everything they owned on craigslist and pocketed the money. It was the only way she had to still make money off of their backs.

4+ years later, and the damage is probably too great to be undone. Instead of trying to see her children, she constantly goes back to court, whining about how broke she is and trying to get her child support reduced. She has not been successful, but that does not stop her from trying. All of the effort into not paying for her children, and not 1 ounce of effort toward actually seeing or parenting them.

I don't understand it. I really don't.

moeilijk's picture

You know what would be a super-special gift for ASS? Print out a new copy of his 'manifesto' and give him a brand-new roll of duct tape.

But starting on the second page, Search-and-Replace 'ass' and 'as' with 'ASS.' Just for fun.

"By ASSociating with..."
"My ASSistant..."
"Your ASSpirations..."
"ASS I wASS saying..."