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Wah-wah-11's picture

Opinions please:
We sold our extra vehicle & hubby wants to take a cruise -- just me, him and our son! I was so excited about this until I mentioned it to my mom thinking she would be happy he was wanting to do something BIG without the step kids. She got mad saying that we didn't need to take our kid on a cruise. He's 3 will be a few months away from 4 when we go and I said well then you keep him.. She says he won't be happy with that .. I said well neither would I so I want him to go with me .. Next thing I hear is you just plan on leaving him with me bc he has no business being on a that ship.

Would you go or not?


Wah-wah-11's picture

She has that way of making me feel bad & questioning my decisions .. And it could be she just doesn't like dh

Ninji's picture

I would go. But I don't care what other people say about my business.

It's a little more, but consider a Disney Cruise.

Wah-wah-11's picture

I looked into Disney but we couldn't afford it. We would need to come up with a few thousand more than what we have

Wah-wah-11's picture

I looked into Disney but we couldn't afford it. We would need to come up with a few thousand more than what we have

hereiam's picture

If your mom is willing to babysit, I would let her. Unless you really want him to go with you.

Wah-wah-11's picture

I thought she would be supportive bc hubby was wanting to do something with us and not the step kids bc I'm the past we haven't been able to bc he didn't want to leave them out ..but when I said something about working a few extra days to get extra spending money she took that as I'm working all this over time to pay for it

Wah-wah-11's picture

Oh no she doesn't like step kids or my husband. I don't know if she thinks we won't watch him closely enough and let him fall off the ship or what. I mentioned the activities that they do with kids and she told my dad that I was taking him just to leave him with people on the cruise .. I'm like not at all what I said ... If I was going to do that I would just leave him with her for free ..

Wah-wah-11's picture

I've been on cruises before.. Hubby hasn't ... I saw kids on the cruise but this was pre-kids for me so I didn't pay attention. He's a wild child but I was thinking of putting a harness on him lol

Wah-wah-11's picture

He loves pools.. Last year he loved the beach. This year he told me we couldn't go to the ocean bc the sharks

ChokinOnLemonz's picture

I'd be scared of any child wild enough to require a harness on a boat lol. Will you enjoy the cruise if you have to keep constant Vigilance to prevent him from leaping into the ocean?

twoviewpoints's picture

Sometimes one has to remind Mom who the mom is. You're a big girl now and quite capable of raising and parenting your own child. Who knows what her beef is. She might be having wild images of her grandson falling overboard. Perhaps she's seen some new reports where even an adult falls off the ship. Reassure her that while her fears/worries are appreciated they are totally unnecessary. Hell she very likely has read/see the news where cruise ships of had problems, people strained o them for this or that reason. If not these reasons I'm sure she's managed to come up with all kinds of wild scenarios on her own.

Bottomline is this is not her choice. This is your DH's and yours decision. I'm sure you've researched your cruise options and will be chosen one that is kid friendly with fun experiences to see and do for the children. Politely but assertively remind your mother that you are a very capable parent and will raise your son in your own way.

And if all else fails, tell her to mind her own f-ing business. You don't need her approval and/or blessing.

Wah-wah-11's picture

I stay with my mom when both my hubby & I work so I'm not dragging our son out at 4 am to drop him off. If I correct him she jumps right in and takes over...
She hates my husband .. He hates her but he knows she keeps our son so he doesn't say much .. Except whatever she says is what I do no matter what .. I'm like dude I'm stuck in between you both.. Then I'm like if I make her mad she won't keep him the. We are stuck bc no where around is is open to drop kids off at 5 am & the way our schedules work we have to have that or her.. In laws won't do it bc my mother in law says she can't handle any more bc she keeps my bil kids ..