STILL doing it...+weird holiday
So since this evening is Christmas eve, we were at BF's mom's house.
BM was there, preparing the food and everything with his mother.
SD14 was helping make the cake, SD17 was sorting the silverware.
BM and MIL (I'm not married but I'm gonna call her MIL..It's shorter and easier ) greeted us at the door.. Yes BM was at the door. it's a tradition that the parents, sons and son's wives greet guests since they're considered hosts.
Since BF's brother is arriving tonight to the town, he wasn't there and his wife wasn't either (they usually are but the wife's mom is in hospital so they're late) so only MIL and BM. Before, it'd be BF and BM, but now BF wasn't even invited to "host", he was informed that we are to come with everyone else.
So they greeted us, MIL took gifts and BM seated us. There were two spots empty to us- they were for SDs but they didn't sit much, just for the meal and then went "helping".
They were ice cold polite again,in front of everyone and actually no one thought it was weird (or no one showed) - one of BF's cousins pointed out that she wishes her children would be so polite. BF almost choked on the bread.
He's giving them the money tomorrow, this evening he gave them gift packages just like everyone else, and they were all polite with it again, they apologized for not having a gift for us tonight but they said they'll gift us tomorrow.. BF said there's no need but they insisted, so whatever.
We didn't see them much, BM either, but his family kept calling her to come and talk so she'd come and all attention would be on her.. basically no one'd even look at me if she was present. They greeted us, said hi, talked a bit, but ignored me if she was around. When she wasn't, someone'd even say a word or two, but when she's around - she's the star.
BF tried to go and talk to SDs,they did talk a bit, in the same ice cold way, even worse since they were focused on their job so they couldn't talk..Yeah..forks left, spoons hard, SDs? I guess hard enough to stop you from talking to your father during it.
So he invited them to come to the living room where we had the meal , saying they can continue the work later,but they insisted that they need to keep doing it.
BM and SDs are sleeping over, we were not invited. Well actually BF was - he always is since he's the son, but..since I was not, he decided not to sleep over. (BM is there so he thought it's better to stay with me that night )
He was invited ALONE, and when he said he wants me with him MIL said "oh well, see you in the morning then" (not in front of me or anyone but BF)
So.. I'm just kind of venting ,I feel like I need to tell this someone,because it doesn't feel normal or right to me.. I'm worried, I'm confused,but..uh :?
- vikki0's blog
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I'd of totally been making
I'd of totally been making out with bf and fawning all over each other, or refused to go, no actually I just would of taken over "helping" and told her she wasn't needed anymore that bf and I got this.
I'm nasty and aggressive like that.
Haha, unforunately I can't
Haha, unforunately I can't really do that, but..

Sounds like you behaved well
Sounds like you behaved well and handled it graciously. Sounds lie your BF did, too. Yay!!
I know it sucks... my ILs are madly in love with BM. She attends everything (and I do mean, EVERYTHING. Not just the "big" holidays.)
I would suggest doing what I've done...just accept it. The BM and ILs will likely always consider themselves "family." There's nothing you can do about it, and I wouldn't suggest having/making/suggesting BF draw the line in the sand. It's not fair for him to lose his entire family over it.
F that! Time to start some of
F that! Time to start some of ur and bfs own traditions.
And time for BM to get a life and family of her own. They divorced/broke up, whatever. Time for them to move on and let it go.
Is there an issue that the family can't see the kids without her or something? If that's the case, bf needs to get some CO visitation.
Hats off to you, the amount of love for him, and self control are beyond any expections I could ever imagine!
I prob would have show my ass...
Thank you for replies! I
Thank you for replies!
I will do nothing, if they want her, ok. They're being tolerable, so.. fine.
I wonder if they do not see
I wonder if they do not see you as a DIL because you aren't married. Some people are very picky about that. My now-MIL would not let DH and I sleep together in her house before we were married. OK, her house, her rules. In your case BM actually produced heirs and grandchildren so she is the Mother Earth in their world. Nothing like a g/friend can come CLOSE to that.
I look at it this way, they don't HAVE to like you. But if they choose not to involve you in their lives then they miss out on seeing their son quite so often. You don't seem to be a bad person, I take it you aren't recently released from prison or have any pending convictions. And I trust you didn't remove SO from his previous marriage.
I would send them a nice thank you card for their hospitality and hope you can spend some more time with them alone so you can get to know each other better. This way they can't say you haven't extended the olive branch or you have bad manners. Always CYA.