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Wanting to give up

Unhappy's picture

I think that I am getting close to completely disengaging from my home life. Due to the issues with the crazy BM making rifts with her two kids and I, I feel like I'm walking on egg shells. When ever the little girl (5) sees BF and I hanging out any where in the house by ourselves she makes it a point to come in and insert herself into the situation. And the looks I get from this child are just crazy. They're not dirty mean looks. I can't explaine them. It would probably help if BM would stop telling her that she wants to marry her ex, my bf, again and that she's sad becuase of that fact that it's not happening. This little girl is so confused. Everytime she hears that it's like taking one step forward and ten steps back in regards to dealing with the divorce.

The son 3 almost 4, has no respect for me what so ever due him being the apple of his father's eye, which means that I get undermined a lot. Not to mention that he is a complete terror. Never listens, sneaky, mean, lies. The list can go on and on with him.

I get the feeling that both of his kids hate me. I told him (BF) that last night. I'm not sure if I can ever love them at this point. I feel really bad for saying that. I just want to disengage from them completely and let BF handle his own out of control kids.

It's selfish of me to want to be first in BF's life. His kids will always come first due to some underlying guilt. Case in point, last night after almost driving off the road mulitple times because of how bad the weather is and the sheer fact that I was losing air in my one of my front tires due to running over a nail some how, I walked in the door and his kids are out of control. I mean in the kitchen while he's cooking yelling daddy daddy daddy, look at this, I'm thirsty, ect. He's at the point where he's about to lose it and he just lets them get away with it. Do you think he cared about my trip home? Maybe he did. I just couldn't tell with all the competition for his attention.

He apparenlty promised them that they could stay up and watch a movie on a school night when he knew that I wasn't going to be home until 7:00. Their bed time is 8:00 and they needed to eat dinner.
Anytime after 8:00 is our time. We don't get much of it. But he chose to use our time when he had atleast 3 hours before I got home to spend with them.

So then we all go and sit in the living room to watch the movie. His son sat in his lap in the recliner, his daughter sprawled out on the love seat next to him in the recliner, and my daughter and I sat across the living room on the couch.

I finally told him at 9:30 that I was putting my daughter to bed. Both of the girls needed to be up earlier in the morning due to the conditions of the raods so that I could get them to school on time. He at that point put both of his to bed as well.

Then we had the chat, where he was perfectly okay with me worring about the raods and leaving on time in the morning but not about choosing our time to spend with his kids. He told me that he feels guilty because he doesn't get the time he wants to spend with his kids. (Well neither do I with my own child. It's called life and being a parent. You work full time to pay the bills, put food on the table, and keep a roof over their heads. Sorry about the little rant.) So I told him that's his choise. He chose to use our time and I was going to bed.

I just don't want to deal with it anymore. I did enjoy the text I got at work from BF today, I miss u come home. It took everything in me not to send him a reply stating, maybe you should have thought about that last night. I just didn't respond.

Does anybody see what I see from this? Or am I just over reacting?


Anon2009's picture

I don't think you're over-reacting. However, if you're not married to him, then leaving is the best choice, because these situations often do not improve once you get married. If anything, most of them get worse.

on the fence's picture

arizona is right. This is what I'm trying to show BF. Kids do not come first, your relationship does. Do they think we are going to sit around "on hold" while they do their kid thing? This is where all the problems start. In a marriage of two people with kids together who have been together always, they place themselves at the top of the pyramid and the kids are below. When we get divorced, the tendency is to flip that pyramid upside down, putting ourselves at the little pointy bottom and the kids on top. I think men have a harder time seeing it because of guilt and quite frankly, because we tend to do more of the discipline and child rearing anyway and I'm not sure they really know what to do. It just gets all out of whack and the kids take control. It's not good for the kids, either. They really need the adults to be in charge. EVERYONE would be happier and better adjusted.

Just because we are SM not BM does not make us any less his wife, GF, FW, whatever. Husband and wife side by side. Kids around. BM putting on her big girl panties and minding her own biz and taking her weekend off to herself like she should and enjoy it! (I know- dreamer!)

And Unhappy- you are quite right about the time thing. I told my BF when he used that excuse about having such little time with them that he had darn near as much time as I do with mine. Mine are gone EOWE to Dick's and when they're home they're all the time hanging with friends or doing something else. I don't see that as a reason to not discipline them or make everything all about them the minute they get home from school on Friday night. And I sure don't expect him to sit on the couch across the living room in my house while my kids and I lounge all over one another! How long do you think a man would stay in a situation like that!? I don't think they would tolerate that for long, why do they think we should?

Unhappy's picture

I agree on the fence. I have no idea how many times I have told him, walk a mile in my shoes. His point of view on the situation just might change a little bit.

It's like his reaction to the BS his ex-wife pulls contstantly. "It doesn't matter. It doesn't affect our relationship." I'm sorry, but that's the biggest cop out I've ever heard. It may not affect him. But it sure as hell affects me. He is with me and I am with him. If some guy was sending me texts about how he wasn't dating anybody because he was waiting for me. Or that he was in love with me, you bet your a!% he would have some huge issues with that.

He has told her recently though that he is planning on spending the rest of his life with me and that he can't tell her how to feel, but he can tell her to keep it to herself. LOL

After which I got to send a text from his phone (I won't give her my number) letting her know that, "I don't have what she wants. I have what I want. And I know that she will always be there. But that's all she'll ever be, just there. She wasn't very happy about that, but it felt nice to let her know where her place is as an ex-wife.