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I wonder what she's got up her sleeve?

Unhappy's picture

So....after BM trying to take DH's first Christmas morning, trying to bully him into paying for all of SS's all day kindergarten tuition, and telling the kids that DH said that they couldn't go to the birthday last Sunday DH has gone back to email contact only with BM so that all of her craziness can be documented. He sent her an email with this request Sunday night via email and we still haven't heard anything back from her. This is very unusual. Whenever DH calls her out on her crazy behavior she always tries to justify it so DH doesn't have any proof of her crazy behavior. It usually never works. SS's tuition is due today and when DH asked the school yesterday if BM had paid her half of it yet they told him she had not so it seems SS will be going to part time kindergarten.

BM's up to something. She always punishes DH whenever he puts his foot down with her. I just wonder what it is this time?


Unhappy's picture

I agree. I think it might be something court related. I just wonder what she would have grounds for. DH is not required to pay for all of SS's tuition so she doesn't have grounds for that one. SS will be removed from all day kindergarten by the school because all of his tuition will not be paid so she can't get him on that one. As far as the email contact only request, in our state you have the right to tell people how you wish them to contact you and they are required by law to follow your request. BM is only allowed to call if it's a medical emergency in regards to SS and SD so she can't get him on that one. DH allows the kids phone contact with her on his time just not to the point where it's interferring with his parenting time. He does take SD's cell phone when she comes over. She is only 8 years old and when she has it she is constantly calling BM and then crying throughout the entire day after she gets off of the phone with her. He does allow her to make phone calls using his cell phone and has requested to BM on several occassions to not have SD bring the phone over to our house and has explained why he doesn't want it here.

I really don't see what grounds she can have but I think that's what's coming.

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

Hmm. Please keep us posted. Intetesting indeed!!

We put BM on the email thing & it helped us tremendously!! She tries to text him sometimes, but hes been great at not responding!! Gotta give him props on that!!

I have a DD8. She will be 9 in April. Having a cell phone at that age is just down right rediculous!! There is just no need!!! You all obviously have a phone SD could use if needed. I have 3 SSs & the eldest SS14 has a cell. The kid is on it non-stop from the time he wakes up till 10 pm when DH takes it away. If it were my kid Id allow some usage, but not like this!! The kid has over 10k in texts ea month!! Not our plan, this was BMs doing. But from now on, DH is taking the phone when we get them until they step out our car to switch to their moms car. Found out SS & BM have been using it to spy on us!!! She has a tracking software on it!!! So hell no to the phone now!!! He was also taking pics of stuff in our house for her to spy on us!!!! Its just unreal!!

Hang in there & let us know what she does! These BMs are fruit loops!!!