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How do you deal with an out of control kid and a boyfriend that underminds you to him?

Unhappy's picture

I've read many posts from this site but have never actually joined or blogged anything here. I have gotten to the point recently that I just don't know what to do. I met a guy about ten months ago and everything seemed to be going fine. He has two childeren, a five year old daughter and a three year old son. I have my own daughter who is five. The issue is that his kids are completely out of control and he enables them to do it and underminds me at the same time. A perfect exapmle of what I am talking about is like what happened last night. He finally agreed to sitting down with me and creating a list of family rules. You know things like keep your hands and feet to yourself, no lying, no bad language. We went over it with all three kids as well as the punishments for breaking the rules. One rule that his son is a repeat offender of is getting out of bed every five minutes because he has to tell his dad something, needs a kiss, ect. The list can go on. My BFs response is either yell at him to go back to bed one night and then the next is come here, look at him, isn't he so cute. I hate to break it you, but the kid is almost four, and that's my time with my BF. With three kids and both of us working full time, we don't get it very often. So, back to the story. My boyfriend made it a point to go over that rule as well as the punishments several times with him before he went to bed. Not more then ten minutes later guess who's up? So first offence is loss of radio. My BF goes into his room and turns the radio off. And how do you think the child reacted. Started screaming about how scared he was and having a temper tantrum. I noticed shortly after that, that my BF was MIA. I found him laying on the floor next to his son rubbing his head and telling him everything was going to be alright. I asked him to come and talk with me and explained to him that he can't do that. He was just fine before we turned the radio off, and all he's done now is shown his son that the consequence for him getting out of bed is one on one time with his father. Not really the point of why we made a list of rules. So as I'm talking to him his son is screaming for him to come back to his room. I went back there and told him that if he keeps screaming I was going to shut the door. I went back into the kitchen to resume the conversation I was having when he started screaming for his father again. I then told his father that I was going to close the bedroom door because I had already given him a warraning. My boyfriend then tells me that he's not sure how he feels about that. The kid has two night lights plus a lamp on that he sleeps with all the time. It's not like he was going to be in complete darkness. I ended up going back to his room and giving him a second warraning and what does he do keeps screaming, so I went back for the third time and closed the door. On to the next stage of the temper tantrum. I then had to stand there and play the door war, where everytime he opens the door I close it. The final time he did this I explained to him again that because his sister and my daughter were trying to sleep in the next room and he kept screaming that I was going to close the door. He then screams that he needs to tell his father something and then tries to go tearing past me. I stopped him just as his father walked around the corner. His father picked him up and put him back in bed and then closed the door. When we went out to the kitchen again he told me he's just not sure about this punishment. When I went back to check on his son again the door was open, yet again. I asked him if he opened the door and he said his father did. So I went and talked to his father and he told me that his son was in his room kicking the walls and that he punished him for that and then left the door open for him. When I explained to him that the reason why his son was kicking the walls was because he wanted the door open and that's exactly what he got and that the punishment he gave him for doing that had nothing to do with the punishment I gave him for screaming, I got the I just felt bad look. I explained to him that his sone was completely safe. The only thing that changed was that he was screaming with his door shut. This is an on going thing because he is his little boy. I understand he loves him, but he's raising a monster that won't listen to me is sneaky, and I mean everytime your back is turned he's doing something he is not supposed to, rude to me, yells at me and gets away with it,and treats me disrespectfully. Any advise? Anyone?


buttercookie's picture

I see that this is your boyfriend and not your husband, I suggest not marrying this man until he can respect you and by letting his kid do whatever whenever is not respect and it'll get worse when and if you marry

alwaysme's picture

There are 2 options here really, like blender said you either give up and go to bed, watch your own TV shows, read a book, have a bath and a glass of wine and let BF deal with his kid. If he is silly enough to not start making SS aware of consequences then let him deal with it. If you love BF enough to stay in this relationship then you have to find a balance somehow. I agree that BF should not be doing the opposite of what you say otherwise the kids will start doing the same as they get older.

Or you could cut your losses and leave, i think if all of us knew 10 months into a relationship what we would have to endure for the rest of out lives we would have left !!!!

TheWickedStepmom's picture

It's early and you are just starting out and are already in a "mothering" role to kids that are not even your sk's? That should be telling you something very important. These are your bf's kids and HE should be the one dealing with his children... not you. That is the point to disengaging. You make HIM be RESPONSIBLE for HIS children. Since you have a child that is also involved it gets more complicated.

When I married dh 11 years ago we each brought 2 kids to the marriage. My kids followed BOTH our rules because I took his opinions into consideration and tried to make compromises to make our family work. However, HIS kids followed ONLY HIS RULES. I remember many rants where I was telling him, "How is it fair that my kids are living by this HUGE list of rules and your kids are living by YOUR rules?" He would then tell me that his kids were living by rules too because if I didn't like something I would "nag" him about it until he did something about it. Problem was, his kids would complain to him later about how STUPID my rules were and he wouldn't stand unified with me. If I grounded them, he UNgrounded them saying I was too harsh, etc.

Needless to say, the differences in my kids and his and their behavior is unbelievable. My ds17 has said on more than 1 occasion that ss22 and sd20 need to grow up and do something with their lives and ss22 and sd20 treat me like a doormat, talk to me like dirt, and dh doesn't do anything about it even now. If I would have disengaged YEARS ago and made dh completely responsible for his own kids, then it would have been HIM they had the problem with and not me... things could have been a LOT different.

But at this point, you are allowing bf to set the stage for these kids to completely disrespect you for MANY years to come. My advice is either run for the hills or completely disengage and explain to your bf that you will no longer be made responsible for his children. I don't know the website off hand but if you google "disengaging essay" there is a great essay on how to disengage and I have lived a LARGE part of what was written in that essay. I only wish I had found it sooner. You are just starting out, so it could be of great benefit to you before you ever get too far involved.

Good Luck!

Unhappy's picture

I think something might have happened last night for the better. It started when I woke up yesterday. I got both of the girls up, his daughter and mine and had them get ready for school. My BF wasn't feeling well so he was still in bed. His son was already up when I got the girls up so I got them all breakfast while my BF was slpeeping. Right before I left I told his son that he needed to leave the new puppy alone and not let her out of her kennel unless his dad was up or else he would loose puppy time for the rest of the day. After that I went into the garage, helped the girls get into their boosters, and buckled them up. Right as I was climbing into the driver seat the little boy opens the door and screams at me that his dad said he could let the puppy out and then slammed the door. I went right back in the house and asked his dad if said that. He told me that he didn't give his son permission. Here's the thing when my BF is asleep and you ask him something he will pretty much say yes to anything and not even realize that he said that. So as I was leaving to take the girls to school and to go to work I made it a point to tell him to not let the puppy out.

After being yelled at by 3 year old, almost four, I was pretty upset for most of the day while I was at work. When I got home my BF noticed that I was upset and wanted to talk to me about what was bothering me. So we went outside and I explained to him what his son did. He apoligized for telling his son yes when he was half asleep and I explained that, that part wasn't the problem. I know how he is when he's half asleep. I told him what bothered me about the whole encounter was that after I told his son no he went and asked his father and then took it upon himself to open the garage door and let me know that his father, the head of the house told him he could, so whatever I said didn't matter and that's just how it's going to be. I then explained to him that the reason why the child treats me that way is because he sees his father undermining me all the time, which is basically disrespecting me and that he has taken away any sort of authority I had in the house with his son. He told me that he doesn't understand why he is the way he is with his son and sugested that maybe both of us should go and get some counseling together so that he can figure out why. I agreed to this.

After that we went back into the house and he pulled both his son and I to the side and explained to his son that he needs to start listening to me and that he was going to bed after dinner because he screamed at me which is exactly what happened. He began with the old tried and true temper tantrum again. Again I went back to his room and asked him to please stop screaming, and that if he didn't I was going to close the door, that I didn't want to do that, but he needed to stop. I walked away and a couple of minutes later he was screaming again. I went back and closed the door. He came out about five minutes later and told his father that the lamp sitting on top of his nine foot dresser turned off. We went into his room and my BF turned the lamp on and asked him how it turned off. That little boy climbed up that dresser and turned his lamp off just to get his dad in the room. I still can't believe he would go that far. I mean he climed up a huge dresser. Anyways, my BF then took the lamp out of his room, which made it pretty dark, told him that as soon as he got in bed and quit screaming that he would open the door, and then closed it behind him. Both of us sat next to the door and he played the door war game with his son and I encouraged him to follow through by constantly letting him know that his son was in a warm safe enviornment, he was not being mean, that his son made a choice to climb up his dresser to turn the light off, which he could have seriously hurt himself doing, and all he was asking of him was to lay down and quit screaming. His son tried everything that worked in the past and even went as faf as to flip out by the door and literally throw himself up against it pounding on it. I've seen tantrums before, I have a 6 year old. But nothing like this. We sat outside that door for about hour until he got in bed and quit screaming and then my BF opened the door went in and told him that he loved him and that tomorrow was a new day.

After that I explained to him again that it's not mean to teach your kids that they have boundaries. They'll have boundaries throughout their entire life. It will benifit them in the future, and we're not going to have to enforce punishments like this for long. His son is not used to being the one that doesn't have absolute power and he is not going to give it up without a fight. Hopefully he will continue with this because it's only going to get worse as the kid gets older and I Probably wont be around to deal with it.

Rags's picture

Parents! Often the worst thing for a child.

When a parent lets a kid take that much control .... it is game over.

Your life sounds like a bad episode of Super Nanny.

Good luck with monster boy and neutered daddy.