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That effer thought it was funny.

Unhappy's picture

So I took my BD to see the orthodontist yesterday and it's not good. She has a tooth that's coming in either in front or behind her front tooth that's not disolving the baby root plus it's coming in sideways. She was also born without a permanent tooth on the other tooth just beside her upper two front teeth. She doesn't have enough room on her bottom teeth for all of her permanent teeth to come in. So right now due to that, one of her permanent teeth is trying to come in and is shifting all of her bottom front teeth to where they don't match up with her upper teeth and is causing issues on all of her other teeth on the side that it's crowding.

So she is going to have to have three teeth pulled. Two on the bottom and one on the top. Her tooth that's coming in sideways and is either going to be in front of all of her teeth or behind it is going to have to be fixed. Her other front baby tooth that has no permanent tooth coming in ever will have to wait until she loses her canine on the side of it and it comes in before it can be pulled because her canine will move to where that tooth is if it's not left in to keep it where it's supposed to be. Then that one will have to be pulled and they will have to put in a inplant. (Her permanent teeth a lot larger then her baby teeth.) Plus she needs a lot of work on her molars because she refused to let anybody work on her mouth for the last four years. Oh yeah and let's not forget the braces that she's going to need later on down the road. When all is said in through her mouth is probably going to cost around 10K.

When I called my ex to tell him about everything I had to call from her phone and then when he answered I had to ask him not to hang up and that it was about our BD's teeth. As I was explaining everything that I just explained to you guys about having to have her teeth pulled, being born without a permanent tooth, and everything else he was laughing about it. Apparently this is a joke to him.


bi's picture

that POS doesn't deserve to be a part of her life at all. he's immature and evil. i would never share any information with him EVER again. if he's responsible for paying half, let the dentist/dr explain everything if he has questions. i would simply REFUSE.

Unhappy's picture

I agree Bi. I just wanted to let him know about what was going on with her teeth and all of the work she was going to have to have done. I hear about the BM's on this site doing stuff like getting braces put on skids and not saying anything to the father about it before hand and then expecting the father to pay for half.

I haven't talked to my ex in over two years so I wasn't sure what to expect. I deffinitely didn't expect him to laugh about the fact that his BD's teeth are really messed up and are going to cost a lot of money to fix.

Unhappy's picture


It's not about the money involved in fixing her teeth. (My DH is more than willing to help pay for it. He told me that last night.) She needs to have the work done so that she'll have a decent smile. I mean for heavens sake she's missing a tooth right next to her two front teeth.

I just can't believe he thought it was funny. She's 7 and they have to pull three of her front teeth to try and fix the immediate problems now and the other work can be done as it's needed.

Unhappy's picture

The dentist doesn't want me to talk to her about it. She's just now letting them work on her teeth for the first time in four years and they have a special way that they explain this stuff to kids to make it less scary. She actually had to leave the orthodontist's room yesterday when he talked to me about all of the issues she has with her teeth so that way she doesn't know what's coming up. If she knew that they were going to yank three of her front teeth out she probably wouldn't be so excited about going to the dentist anymore.