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The weekend...

Unfreakingreal's picture

It was a Skid weekend. Usually, it's just SD14 since SS is 22.
However, THIS weekend, SS22 also came over. He came over Thursday and stayed till yesterday.
SS22 and I have mended fences. With that said, I didn't particularly like that he stayed at our home on Friday while DH and I went to work and BS17 went to school.
Something about that made me uneasy.
I kept having visions of him wandering around our home, looking thru our stuff, eating our groceries. He didn't do any of that, or at least that I know of. When BS and I got home early Friday because of the impending snow, SS22 was laying in bed, watching tv. He hadn't even gotten out of bed yet and it was 1pm.
He was incredibly conscious of everything. He made the bed when he got up. Washed every dish that he used. Hung out with the family and was not a bother at all. I still was very happy when DH drove them home yesterday though. Having the house quiet and empty always feels soothing.
He's moving to the other side of the country soon. He told me he needed to see if he could make it without his parents as his safety net. I thought that was very brave of him and wished him well.
He told me that he argued with his mom about SD14 moving in with us. He said that while he loves his mom, she is not the brightest bulb in the room and he avoids having meaningful conversations with her because she is incapable of having them.
He also told me that if SD14 is having second thoughts about moving in it's because she is afraid of the structure and the rules that will come with it. She enjoys the freedom she has with BM and he doubts she'll be willing to let that go. He did say that the shit will hit the fan and chances are, SD14 all end up at our house anyway.
I simply said we'd just have to wait and see.
He's an ok kid. We had our issues, but thankfully we've moved past them and he's owning his part in the problems. It was interesting to talk with him and hear his thoughts on the whole SD moving in thing. SD did not make any mention of moving in this weekend. It was odd.
Oh…SS22 told me that his mom gets home piss drunk 5 days a week and that he tells her how disgusting that is because she is a MOTHER and that her answer always is "SO! It's MY LIFE and I'M HAVING FUN!"


justanothergurlNJ's picture

God I hope my skids grow and see their Mother for the POS she is.

How's you BS and Grand baby doing. Hope all is quiet with BM.

Unfreakingreal's picture

BS17 and GB are doing well, thanks for asking. No drama from the baby momma for a while now and we've settled into a pretty stable schedule. We get GB every Saturday afternoon until Sunday afternoon.
No court order yet. I'm a sucker for niceties and figured, I won't poke the dragon until I absolutely have to. He is getting time with his daughter, which is what I wanted and BM is leaving us alone for now.
I think she has a boyfriend which might be why she's so calm lately.
GB is growing so fast and she's so yummy.

justanothergurlNJ's picture

That's great so happy is can focus on spending time and building a relationship with his little girl, without distractions and nonsense from BM. Keeping my fingers crossed for you and him that all remains quiet.

Maxwell09's picture

That's always how it goes, isn't it? My DH hates all the "fiance's" that BM brings in and out of SS3's life but it's always so peaceful when she has her plate full with a new man. I'd hate to say it's worth it, but it is sometimes.

Glad to hear yall haven't had any more issues, who knows maybe she'll realize that the easiest path is to play nice!

DaizyDuke's picture

Was your SS as bad as some of ours? (smoking dope, drinking, failing school, etc) I'm wondering if there IS hope for skids?? Or was your SS always somewhat decent of a kid? He sounds like a decent adult from this blog Wink

Unfreakingreal's picture

SS wasn't HORRIBLE but he was a typical Skid. He was lazy and entitled. He'd bring people over while we were at work even though we'd ask him not to. He'd sneak girls in. He smoked weed and drank. (Never in our house though)
He couldn't hold a job and barely graduated HS. Flunked out his first semester at County College and when I'd had enough I kicked him out a few years ago. He didn't talk to us for over a year until he realized that the grass wasn't greener on his momma's side of the fence. Then slowly, he started coming around.
He is very much DH's personality. So underneath all the shitty behavior, his DNA is that of a decent person.
I think his nature won out over his nurture.