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I could really use some Xanax right now!!! BM is so fucken delusional!!!

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

Oh my fucken god!!! SS15 was sent to BMs last week Wednesday. SS and BM hadn't seen each other since Feb of 2007. All because BM refused to follow the court order of supervised visits. Last year in June, SD17 was sent to BMs. She got herself into major trouble. When she was told "no more sleep overs" SD said "well might as well go to BMs" She figured she was going to be gone for the summer only. But of course BM spoiled the shit out of her and manipulated SD into staying with her. I haven't spoken to SD since she left. I am pissed off at her because I recently found out that she had taken jewelry from me. She called SO and lied to him and said I had loaned it to her. Uhm, no I didn't!

SS was sent to BMs sort of as a punishment but also to see how things are with BM. She sent him an Ipod back in January. Back in April, SS got into trouble for majorly disrespecting me. I asked him if his mother had sent him an Ipod when I found a charger in his room. The kid had the nerve to tell me "I swear to God she didn't" Well come to find out that he had an Ipod from BM since January that the little shit was hiding from us. So mad at that! He was grounded for 3 weeks. The whole time he was enjoying his Ipod when I was actually feeling bad for the kid. So mad at him too!

I KNEW these kids are nothing but a paycheck to that CUNT!!! That cunt does not care about them! I had told SS that if his BM really cared about them, she would have proved it with his sister by getting a job and her own place so SD wouldn't have to sleep on the couch at grandmas house and she could have her own room.

BM ran away back in 2008 to her mommys in another state. SD has been living with BM since last year June. SD got herself a job. According to todays phone call to SO, BM doesn't do SHIT! Both skids called my SO asking to come back. SS hasn't even been there a week and he already wants to come back! He told SO that he will get himself to the airport if he has to! BM is threatening to not allow him to come back. I FUCKEN KNEW THAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN ALSO! They are nothing but a paycheck to her!!!

According to skids, they all got into an argument with BM this past weekend. She is telling them how she is going to sue their father. Bitch please! BM is so fucken delusional. They were divorced back in 2001. She got her end of the deal. BM STILL to this day believes that the house is STILL HERS and SOs business is HALF HERS. NO BITCH!!! She lost custody of skids back in 2005 when she showed her true colors to the judge. She did not listen to a damn thing that the judge asked of her to do. So no duh bitch, you didn't get what you wanted!

So, she has proved me right with her not caring about skids and them only being a paycheck to her. SO told skids that he would call them this weekend. I don't know if I can handle SD coming back. She turns 18 this September and she still has a year of high school left. In this house (that I am not living in right now ever since the incident with my jewelry) there is rules and consequences. I'm not sure SD can handle them. She sure as hell couldn't handle them when she was living here. She became argumentative and disrespectful towards me. After 6 years of raising her, I got the "you can't tell me what to do only Dad can. You are not my parent" That girl needed a good smack accross the mouth more than once and she never got it. SO and I would only ever argue about her. She caused a lot of arguments between us.

Now for SS. I believe he is a sneaky, lying thief! Actually both skids are. I moved out 3 weeks ago when I found a necklace of mine in his backpack. SO wants to be with me but he is not telling me what I want to hear. NOW, all I am hearing is that skids BOTH want to come back! Fuck my life!

SO is home now! I work for him...


Anon2009's picture

I wouldn't let them back in my home for a good long while. No way, no how. Sadly, it seems like BMs flawed genes are dominant in them. I know others may disagree but I still feel for those kids. If I knew my mom didn't want me that'd be enough to screw me up and I have a feeling it would do that to others here too.

They're not little kids, but I hope they change before its too late.

ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

I really don't think SD will change her ways with me. I do believe in Genetics and she is much too like her BM. Their BM abandoned them but yet they took her back with open arms. Whatever. She conned them and they believed her. SS had no business hiding that ipod from us. SO sent him last week to see what BM is really like and obviously he got a dose of reality right away with her. FML!!!

I told SO that I don't think I can handle them both back here.
SD turned out to be a really disrespectful bitch towards me. She owes me an apology which I believe I will never get. I don't owe her shit. I'm not the one that was going through her belongings and taking her jewelry and sneaking out and drinking alcohol in her room.


ubrngoutdbitchnme's picture

He is supposed to call them tomorrow. He may have to fly out to pick them up. SD should stay and be with her BM since she is the one that asked to go with her. SS didn't want to go and he cried. But that's only Because he wasnt going to be able to hang out with his friends.

I have been renting a room now going on 3 weeks. I've told SO that I am not coming back as a girlfriend. I sure as hell will not come back as a gf if the kids are here.....ugh.