Skid Fashion
My YSD went to school this morning in high-waisted black velvet pants with a long-sleeved grey T-shirt tucked in. The T-shirt bunched up all around her unflattering.
I honestly do not get this high-waisted trend...when it's jeans or other thick fabrics. A nice pair of slimming wool sailor pants ala the 40's? Super cute. High-waisted jeans make all these teen girls look like they've got the longest bottoms ever...or maybe like they're wearing a freshly-loaded diaper underneath.
In YSD's case, she is tall, so these pants didn't reach her shoe tops in addition to turning her into a longbottom. They were also all cattywompus with the zipper not quite meeting the waistband and the seams slightly askew. And, I guess because she's tall, she kind of hunches and lurches around rather than standing up straight. All in all, I'd describe her fashion sense as "Recently Homeless" or "Lumbering Oaf Goes to Town."
Anyone else have skids who wear gosh-awful things? What is with these gross high-waisted jeans?!
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SD dresses like a "normal" 19
SD dresses like a "normal" 19 year old.
SS18???? DH is literally embarrassed to be seen with him most times... he wears those stupid skinny pants/jeans type things, but saggy at the waist/butt. Then he also wears those stupid thuggish looking hats and high top sneakers or shit kickers (always untied of course) really the vision is a white boy, wanna be thug boy... which looks ridic. But whatever. DH also says he acts like he is on horse tranquilizers.. he barely speaks and when he does it's all "UHHHHH, yeah dude", "UMMMM,UMMMM, UMMMM" "DUHHHH I donno" probably because his brain cells are fried from smoking dope on the daily since he was 11. But BM said he was just being a "normal kid" and told DH to quit raising hell about it... so it is what it is at this point. :?
We kind of have the opposite
We kind of have the opposite here. Both girls are smart, but YSD is significantly better looking than OSD...or has been.
OSD looks just like BM. Poor girl. OSD has very stringy, thin hair and has always dyed it dark, making it look even stringier, worn ripped up tights and combat boots with fluffy skirts or black jeans. Beanies, black get the picture. Not my style but at least the clothes fit and were flattering to her, as much as they could be. She's really not very pretty and was particularly awkward in high school. She's actually gotten much better looking recently, though I still wouldn't describe her as good looking.
YSD looks much more like DH and went through Junior High and most of High School without hitting an awkward phase. She also always had a great, intuitive, classy sense of style. It's only been in the last year that it's taken a dive. Her hair always looks greasy, too, even though I know she's showering. Even my DH has asked about it...wondering what's up. I have no idea. If the high-waisted jeans are bad, the high-waisted jean shorts (which are just around the corner) are even worse!
It's like she thinks she looks like this :
But she actually looks like this:
Well, the weird thing is, my
Well, the weird thing is, my SD is actually tall, blond, and thin as well. But the pants she wears make her look dumpy and oafish. That's part of what makes it so maddening.
My daughter looks like she
My daughter looks like she could be Lebanese... big dark eyes and long lashes, dark hair, big pouty lips... she often gets teased by her friends, who actually are Lebanese, that she's lying about her heritage... she's also really curvy. Not chunky... curvy. Small waist, big butt, big boobs... these trends do NOT look good on her, and I don't shy away from making it clear to her that she needs to dress for her body type.
Oh. And I really, really hope
Oh. And I really, really hope midriff shirts are over and done. Can't happen soon enough.
Oh, and yes. High-waisted
Oh, and yes. High-waisted pants that are cut well can be incredibly flattering on all body types. Designers in the 40's really knew how to cut clothes for a woman's body.
These high-waisted jeans, though, are of the devil.
I'm just going to send this
I'm just going to send this article to my SD somehow...
I love the guy who says that girls who wear high-waisted shorts look like they smell bad. That's exactly how I feel when I see they're full-diaper wearing, smelly, and unkempt.
I'm soooo short waisted that
I'm soooo short waisted that the new high waist trend makes me cringe. Shoot, I could wear some of these pants as strapless onesies.
I LOVED it when the "below the waist" jeans were in because they fit me!!!! Plus, because they were cut to wear at the hips and not the waist, I could vainly get away with a smaller size.
That's all I'm asking for.
That's all I'm asking for. Dress for your body, not for the trends.
But...also...I haven't seen anyone in the real world who looks good in this trend. When SDs friends come over, they're all wearing high-waisted jeans or jean shorts and crop tops and they all look utterly ridiculous. I see it out and about while shopping, too. Have yet to see a single person pull it off...
It elongates the butt. Enough said.
LOL, my dad got mad at me for
LOL, my dad got mad at me for wearing toe nail polish outside the house when I was 13. Mom took care of that.
I cannot relate to the
I cannot relate to the "fashion trends" of today's youth.
Pajama pants and slippers
Boys wearing pants so tight you can see their junk :sick:
Leggings (often sheer), a shirt that barely reaches the waist, with combat/faux Ugg/boots
Pants below the arse
Skintight clothing that shows every cellulite dimple and fat roll and leaves the wearer with deep, red marks in their skin
SD23 is a little pudgy, but thinks that everything must be skintight or short.
SD20 is FAT and dresses like a hooker going to prom.
PrincASS17 wears jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers (he looks fairly normal).
PigPen14 wears filthy jeans, torn/ripped/dirty dark t-shirts, black boots, and has hair past his shoulders that he wears in a fugly boy bun.
I'd rather go skinny dipping in Lake Superior in January than be seen in public with them.
echo, i thought it was
echo, i thought it was "youts"...

great movie! dh and i quote
great movie! dh and i quote it to eachother fairly often. my lisa impression is dead, balls-on accurate

"Imagine you're a deer"
"Imagine you're a deer"

lol. I have an uncle who
I have an uncle who appeared briefly in MCV. The picketing scene outside the prison...near the end.
~Grandma Aniki wags her
~Grandma Aniki wags her gnarled finger at Echo~
Don't sass me, young lady!!
i'm glad i haven't seen this
i'm glad i haven't seen this "trend" around here. and i'm REALLY REALLLY REEEEAAAALLLLYYYYY glad the boys all have great taste in clothes.
they favor athletic shorts and tees, or nicely colored and patterned button downs with khakis. same with their friends too.
Ugh the hair- ss13 and most
Ugh the hair- ss13 and most of his friends still do the hair in face cut- so ALL day long he is swiping it out of his face, or rocking his head back, he is tall, skinny, and now walks with his head tilted to the right!!
If i had a girl in middle school she would hate me- no way tights or yoga pants and a tshirt would leave this house! I saw a these little teeny boppers at the play ground the other day and man- i cant, leggings are ok but not camel toe!! Omg. Two of them had leggings on that were to small...ugh. how as a mom do you not see camel toe walking out the door!!!
the problem is much clothing
the problem is much clothing swap and changing happens without parents realizing. Also, both parents work. So no one is there to tell the 15 yo to cover herself.
My bride is tall and chesty.
My bride is tall and chesty. When she was a teen (even when we met) she had the major slouch to try to hide her height and the boobs. I finally demonstrated to her how amazingly beautiful she is and how much presence she has when she stands up straight and projects confidence.
We solved that problem long ago. We went to her 20yr HS reunion about 3 years ago and she knocked em dead. I had several of her male classmates approach me and confess the killer crush they had on her in HS.
Even the cheer leading squad (she wasn't one of them) were swarming to her during the reunion.
As for the long hair in the face tilted head hair cuts.... I had that problem in my early to mid teens. Military School cured me of that styling faux pas.
I find it hilarious that BM
I find it hilarious that BM shops for skid, by age and not the size skid is. Talk about head in the clouds.
Skid, almost 11, looks mighty uncomfortable in size 10 (kids) skinny jeans. MIL always pats herself on the back when she buys skid at least a size up in jeans when she's here for visitation.
my own bio is weird.... he
my own bio is weird.... he likes nice fitted trousers with long sleeve shirt and a fracking tie!!!!
No idea where he gets that lol..... he's fighting at his job that wearing a tie is compulsory to all sales people...
summer or winter.....
The other one... the less she wears the better, really does not look good but I say nothing, sheer tights, crop top and high heels...
lol. My SS was like this in
My SS was like this in Junior High. He wore suits or at least a jacket and tie. Also did a lot of thrift store shopping...but loved to dress up. Adults love him, as I'm sure you can imagine.
Now he's 19, and he doesn't dress up as much, but he still always looks nice.
Aergia dresses like a hooker,
Aergia dresses like a hooker, huh?
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This article is something that will help me with my class assignment. It helped me to better understand another aspect of this topic. Thanks.
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