update from the Noogies family
last night was surprisingly calm. no arguing no nothing. of course, kaos was holed up on his xbox all night, but he didnt give dh crap about anything.
shocking, right?
dh and i had a nice conversation. i told him about how my dad handled my brother - he never yelled, he just calmly and firmly issued consequences every.single.time. and bro never changed. it took him 10 years to finally smarten up. dh says "yeah but your dad handling things cause no improvement whatsoever AND your brother hated him for it." EXACTLY. i think it's awesome that dh calls kaos out on his $#it, and i told him how very proud i am of him for that. but it's not proving to be effective with the kid, that he'll grow up with a ton of resentment for it. like that article says that mon referred me to - "It’s not as simple as giving the child a time out. A child with ODD won’t use the time out to change his thinking. He’ll use it to plot revenge. Parents need to change their parenting style and method of operation with the child."
so we talked about changing tactics, still point out the wrong behavior but then just walk away. dh is skeptical, but may give it a shot. it cant hurt to try! i dont know how well that'll go, it would take a lot not to fall back into the same escalation cycle, but for now i'm just going to sit back and let dh handle kaos.
another thing he mentioned is kaos went all weekend without his medication. this ramped up behavior could be a strong rebound effect maybe? idk. his med helps but not enough even tho' they doubled it last time. he goes back on fri, so we'll see what they say.
but all in all it was a pleasant evening, and thismorning went smoothly too - i didnt hear a peep! after he got kaos to the bus, dh crawled back in bed and got rewarded
- Tuff Noogies's blog
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Tuff, I am glad it helped.
Tuff, I am glad it helped. Calm, dispassionate, consistent with firm boundaries every single time.
Edited: This has helped us immensely. The defiance is 1/4 of what it used to be. That and me being a non factor.
DH tends to debate and
DH tends to debate and bargain with Puke instead of telling her that it's not up for discussion. It gets all heated, Puke cries, and DH comforts her. Wait! Didn't she do something that was wrong and now you feel sorry for her? Boy, she's a clever one.
I hope it works Tuff. Your DH
I hope it works Tuff. Your DH is sssooo lucky to have you.
thnx ladies! we'll see how
thnx ladies! we'll see how it goes, but either way i'm renewing my disengagement, and i'll just support and be there for hubby.
today is a good day, i feel it already.
nonononono sally! since he
nonononono sally! since he discovered xbox live a few weeks ago, he's been totally OFF OUR ASSES!!!!! for YEARS before this, dh and i couldnt even step out back for a cigarette or two and chat about our day for 10-15 minutes w/o him bugging the $#IT out of us countless times. literally. i mean like every thirty seconds. he'd go back inside, dh would re-start his sentence "so, anyway, the doctor was saying that she wants me to - WHAT, KAOS??!??" he'd be riiight back out.
the kid wouldnt spend 10 seconds in his d@mn room! lurch would go hide just to get the eff away from him and his mouth and pinball energy and constant inturrupting and random noises and making every attempt to control everyone.
but now? it's sooooo peaceful. and lurch comes out to chat with us, which is nice cuz he's so calm and laid back, just like us.
so no, for the love of God and my sanity, that xbox ain't goin' nowhere!!!!
i'll take a beating from you,
i'll take a beating from you, darlin', and i may even like it
there will be no teaching or expecting good behavior with this kid. his nature is already set, he is his mother's dna. this is all strictly about the survival of the remaining three members of the family. with him holed up in his room on xbox live, it makes life liveable for the rest of us.
just trying to take each day as it comes, until he graduates.
I wouldn't have guessed you
I wouldn't have guessed you as a sub, Sally!