O/T - skwerl update!!!
well i brought the little booger with me again to work, sorted through some "must do asap" stuff at work, then took him in to the vet. she didn't even bother to x-ray him.
his hind end was totally dead, limp, lifeless all week - BUT his movement has drastically improved over the weekend. i held him while she felt up and down his legs, feet, and hips - when she grabbed his back feet he kicked both of them several times!!! she said he likely just injured his back when he fell and the inflammation is putting pressure on his spine/nerves. so he'll be on steroids for about three weeks along with some physical therapy.
YAY for happy, healthy furry critters!!!
- Tuff Noogies's blog
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Good news!!
Good news!!
That's a relief, I am glad he
That's a relief, I am glad he has something for the pain. Poor Pup.
strangely enough, he's not
strangely enough, he's not showed signs of any pain from day 1. never squeaked or nothing when i felt him up (lol!). that's why i was SO afraid it was permanent paralysis. the steroids are just as an anti-inflammatory to get any pressure off his nerves, and the p/t is to help him get moving better. i've already done a round on him after lunch, and his widdle back feet gripped my finger - YAY!!!
Hey! Some happy news!
Hey! Some happy news!
lol yup monkey, i do, he is
lol yup monkey, i do, he is squirrel #3 right now. squirrel #1 we've had for over two years - he sleeps in bed with dh and i. that blows people's minds when they hear that! his bm abandoned him when he was 3-4 weeks old. he squirmed his way out of the nest and was clinging to a branch just screaming for help - his bm never came back for him. his eyes were still closed and his belly and thighs were still totally naked bright pink skin.
squirrel #2 we've had for a month and a half, we got him at the same age as #1. i work w/ a lady who is an animal rescuer, and a friend of hers found #2. well, actually her dog did. the dog was barking and whining to go outside at 4 a.m. so she let him out. he came back w/ squirrel #2. squirrels bed down at dusk - he'd been alone for God knows how long, she said he was soooo cold she thought he was dead. but even upon warming him up and hydrating him, she wouldnt know where to put him back for his mom - they have a very large property, so there's no telling where the dog found him from.
squirrel #3, he's about the same age as #2. dh found him last week. his dog was leashed up outside, dh heard strange yelping from him and went to investigate. dog was lunging to eat him!!! dh picked him up and realized his lower body was completely paralyzed, so there was no way to return him to his family even tho' they were looking for him. if his momma had gotten him up into the nest, he'd surely fall out again, being unable to climb. the vet said "yup, this one's gonna be a family pet, he woulnt survive, and by the time he's all better he'll be too imprinted to return to the trees."
dh and i are the types that will take in ANY little critter that needs help to survive, or find someone to take them in. squirrels are destructive as h3ll, so they do have to be monitored extremely closely during play-time.
i forgot you were in GA - howdy, neighbor.
~hands Tuff some
~hands Tuff some cambozola~
Tuff, you're such a sweetie!
*snatches cheese right up*
*snatches cheese right up* thank you darlin'!!!
You are the Squirrel
You are the Squirrel Whisperer.
physical therapy for a
physical therapy for a squirrel???
Oh tuff, you old softie, you.
lol yes i am a softie a
lol yes i am a softie
a MAJOR softie.
it's running his all the joints in his hips and back legs through range of motion, not very difficult at all. i just did it now, and when i brought them to full extension, he held them that way in a stretch!
no animal should suffer injury or abandonment.
so I guess now is not the
so I guess now is not the time to tell you that back in her huntress days, Sheba used to find the baby bunnies?
Sometimes she killed them - survival of the fittest, I suppose - but there was one morning she brought back one that she had paralyzed. Poor little thing just laid there looking at me. I had my husband euthanize the poor little guy.
Thankfully, Sheba is beyond her huntress days.
Sheba used to bring me birds.
Sheba used to bring me birds. Usually they were dead. but not always. Such fun when they started flying around the house.
Sheba used to bring me chipmunk heads. Yes, just the heads.
Sheba loved to kill moles and voles, especially voles. She would line them up across the driveway.
we had a cat growing up who
we had a cat growing up who was a fantastic hunter. BUT - he was quick and lethal. i understand it's their nature, i just dont want the poor prey to suffer like that baby bunny did - glad your dh took care of him.
that cat used to gift us with chipmunks, birds, mice, and moles. but only when he was in the mood - lol!!! once he was laying on his back in a chair right in the middle of a very long and wide hallway (i'm talkin' 40 or 50 feet long). he saw a mouse start at one end and followed it with his eyes all the way to the other end, his head upside down the whole time. he then stretched his arm out and went right back to sleep. @$$hole.