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Having a hard time dealing with pregnacy

tryingtomakeit's picture

Im 15 weeks pregnate and I know my emotions are crazy. Has anyone other woman would there felt this way.

My husband has 2 kids from a previous marriage. A girl and a boy. This is my first child and so needless to say I am VERY excited. But, I kinda get the feeling that he has this "been there dont that attitude" which is fine, but I get excited over the little things and he always make some comment like, you just wait or thats not right this is how I used to do it.

I knew going into it that he had kids, but I just thought he would act differently and he may once he sees this wonderful, amazing, beautiful baby inside me.


SteppingUp's picture

I feel really sad for you. This is an exciting time for you! I am 16 weeks pregnant and my fiance has a son. However, he has been very excited -- he tells me how excited he is to have a child with someone he truly loves (he and ex were broken up when she found out she was pregnant) and starting our family together, etc. Don't blame it on your emotions. Yes they play a part in your feelings but I truly think if you weren't experience pregnancy hormones you would still feel very disappointed.

I think you need to discuss it with him that he needs to be more sensitive to you and how excited you are -- that you are excited to SHARE this with him and definitely want his input but want his attitude to reflect yours as well, so that you know you are in the same boat together. If things don't change, you might just have to accept that it is how he'll be...and find a different friend to share your exciting moments with (like feeling the baby for the first time, or finding out what it is, etc).

Mommyto1Stepto2's picture

Been there as well. I am currently expecting my second boy, DH's fourth. I was really hoping for a girl - I wanted to give DH his first daughter Sad I didn't get to be his first wife, didn't get to buy a first house with him, pretty much no firsts whatsoever... When you have the baby, he will love it just as much as his other ones. Don't let him rain on your parade - I wanted to buy certain things and DH would say no I think just because he didn't need or have it the first time or whatever - do what makes you happy!!

tofurkey's picture

I had written a previous forum topic voicing my fears of what it will be like when me and DH decide to have a family together. My biggest one is that he will try to pull experience on me from his BM's pregnancy.

I'm so sorry. It's very inconsiderate to not share you excitement and keep his past experience with another woman out of your first pregnancy together.