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Anybody else let down by social services?

tryingtobecalm's picture

So dont I feel like a horses ass after sticking up for social services all my life!! As some of you may know I was accused by my ss and his BM of commiting some pretty horrific abuse. Only after SS tripped himself up in his dirty little lies did BM make a full retraction and I was cleared. Also no evidence obviously as nothing bad has ever happened to him in my care!! anyhow Social services deemed her an unfit mother and made her youngest 2 sons subject to a 'child in need' programme to help 'support her in her parenting'. We went to the first meeting which was scheduled for 10am. We arrive, she arrives with her mum and older daughter 17 who we later discovered legally shouldnt even have been allowed in the room as she is a minor!.... No social services. We wait 15mins in a room ALONE with her and her entourage with no neutral representation (bear in mind the whole case was started by FALSE ALLEGATIONS) and the social workers let us be in a room alone with them???!!! Anyway social worker swans in at 10:15 laughing about being late! I am not best pleased! BM and family spend the whole meeting refering to me as 'the stranger' and basically calling every other health proffesional involved liars (the school nurse, head teacher, dinner ladies, her GP etc all had nothing but negative things to say about her parenting skills in the official report) So after a while I get a bit annoyed and told her to shut the hell up. At this point the social worker decides to finally open her mouth for the first time but only to say to me 'if you dont calm down I'l have to ask you to leave the room' !!!!! EXCUSE ME!!!

At the weekend we discovered ANOTHER iron burn on SS body (that is 4 burn marks, one scaulding by boiling water, one admittence to A&E bcos he drank a bottle of paracetamol, Two unexplained head injuries in the last 12 months all whilst in his mothers care) So naturally we get straight on to his key worker. 2 days later we get a text (not a phonecall or a visit..a TEXT) from social services to say they have asked BM and she says it was an accident. Well of course thats what she would say!! ONCE is an accident!! All those other things are neglect and abuse. So I get treated like a common criminal when I did nothing wrong but she abuses him and gets a 'support package'. DH bless him just returned the text basically saying its disgusting and what has to happen in order for them to help us? two days later no reply.....absolutely useless!!! I will never stick up for social services ever again. Its no wonder noone has any faith in them!!!


Gabriels Mom's picture

Oh sweetie that does not surprise me. My brother is in desperate need of parenting classes or something, CPS has been out 3 times and nothing has ever been done.

My DH's sister is a supervisor for CPS and she works insane hours trying to keep up with all the cases and all her workers' cases. It's ridiculous that she gets there at 6 or 7 am and then stays until 9 or 10 at night. The problem is we need to spend less on benefits for people who shouldn't have them. IE lazy people, illegals, etc. we would save a ton of money and we could hire more workers; the current ones a raise and then maybe they could pay more attention to cases like this where a child is really being abused....well that's my opinion's probably not that easy...

tryingtobecalm's picture

Yeh I know they are overworked. On the day the supposed 'bruise' that I had caused (actually caused by his mother) The police wanted him to be seen by a paediatrician to rule out foul play but they couldnt get him in bcos there were 18 cases worse than him just in our locality that day. I know they are stretched but surely they would not be so overworked if they acted on the info they have been given?? I have a BS7 and when they interviewed him and his teachers etc they had nothing but praise. (I am not bigging myself up or anything just showing I am a normal mum) my son has never been to A&E is doing well in school etc. SS4 has endured countless 'accidents' and noone seems to want to help. Surely they can see where SS4 would be better off living but they sit back and allow this monster to continue her awful abuse! If she ends up really hurting him Social services will just add him to the list of 'unfortunate incidents' they keep trying to play down!! Clamp down on child abuse and stop harrassing innocent upstanding citizens who would rather die than hurt a child!

step off already's picture

I think it is just like everything - there are some really good social workers and some really bad social workers. Some have soft spots for moms/dads and some are open minded and great at what they do.

Same goes for mediators, judges, teachers, etc.