ss7 lives with father and stemmom (me) full time
BM tries everything to get DH in trouble or get back at him. Anything from accusing him of kidnapping his own son to sending ss7 back home in shoes their dog peed on. Ss7 is with us full time, and visits his mom every other weekend...if she's not in jail.
BM used to really bother me but it has taken time to not care about the crap she pulls. I think it is funny she wastes her time trying to get back at DH and I. It must hurt her that we are doing 10X better than she is! ALSO she just got pulled over and now has to serve jail time for getting caught without a license for the 8th time. DH and I agree that we can just easily sit back and watch karma smack her down.
I honestly believe ss7 would be better off living with us only.
- timemachine's blog
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Living well is indeed the
Living well is indeed the best revenge!
Keep taking the high road here, BM is digging her own grave. No matter what, don't bash her to SS, as he gets older he will see the truth soon enough.
Living well is indeed the
Living well is indeed the best revenge!
^this phrase helps me stay mentally strong enough to deal with BM. And you're right, I think ss7 is already starting to get the picture. BM will cuss and scream in front of SS7 at exchanges and so we have started recording every exchange and meeting in a public place.
"Protect your children's innocence, they should not be burdened by adult problems."
^ this I another phrase that helps me hold my tongue when SS7 talks about BM. I don't tell him her issues, and tell him it's okay to talk about her. Also sometimes I feel like gagging when he is talking about how she did this or that good.
Earlier this week ss7 asked me if he could start calling me Mom when I marry his dad. I told him he already has a mom and I don't think she would like that very much. He goes on to say how we don't have to tell BM if he starts calling me mom. This was a little shocking but I reminded him how being open and honest with everyone is best...that he shouldn't keep secrets from people he loves and trusts. He dropped it after that...part of me wants to say yes but I feel it wouldn't be the best situation for him.
Print out and keep in a file
Print out and keep in a file all the notices of he violations and jail terms. When skid is older and throws in your face that you "kept him from his mom!" or wouldn't "let mom have me when she wanted me!" as he inevitably will, hand him the file. "Wasn't up to us, son, jail doesn't have a kiddie playroom." You will need the proof. Nothing like a thick stack of third party documents you can hold in your hand.
We basically already have a
We basically already have a file of it all in the court papers. BM brings DH to court a few times a year for whatever bs she comes up with. The irritating part is that she doesn't work so she gets a court appointed free lawyer, while DH makes too much money to be appointed he has to hire one with the money he earned.