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Sooooo.... DH rings the skids .....

Sweetnothings's picture

So, he is excited to ring them, and I don't mind at all.... Because just like the other times before I can see how this is going to pan out.....
He rings sd21 no answer, retries later, no answer, no answerphone to leave a message either.... Younger skid, still living with the BM, is next..... No answer either, no surprise there either. Then DH rings the BM's house line, and gets to talk to her, three sentences and she is brusque with him, no she doesn't know where skid is, or when skid will be back....skid comes and goes as they please, I quote !!! Charming !!!
So DH is a bit sad, he emails the skids, checks to see if younger skid is around on the Internet later on in the evening to send him a message. Sd21 finally gets back to him, yes she saw he called and couldn't answer it, she's tired !! Hmmm, not to tired to take the money DH sent her, though !! Funny that !!!

DH says later that younger skid isn't online, but I see him, posting on a social network site, skid is just avoiding the one DH goes on. I don't mention this to DH as it would only upset him, and I hate that.....

The good news is that I really only have to put up with sd21 for a few hours when we visit, she told DH she does not need to be taxied around, DH did offer !!! So no long awkward journies with her. I swear she sits in the back of the car, her eyes burning holes in the back of my neck!! Lol !!!

Less time spent with her, I did my happy dance in the kitchen, where DH couldn't see me !!! }:)


GoldenGoose's picture

Are we married to the same man? My DH follows the same exact routine, including posting syrupy pathetic posts on FB; which, of course goes completely ignored. His kids rarely go on FB, choosing to post every minute of their day on Twitter. I have chosen not to tell him that that's their new "stomping ground.". If he knows, he will then be ignored on 2 social networking sites. One is enough.

Sweetnothings's picture

Thank goodness, my DH hates Fakebook !!! Or he would be scared sh** less about what goes down on there !
Are your skids older too ?? I just wonder if this is the way it's going to be..... Forever......
I hate it that these skids live on the Internet, seriously, have electronic devices, phones, etc, glued in their hands ALL the time, post at all HOURS about the most mundane things, yet when DH wants 5 mins of their time, suddenly they disappear off the radar......
DH even ASKED me at the weekend, did you see younger skid on the Internet ( we pop up on some off the same sites sometimes....not Fakebook ! ) but avoiding me ???? WTF do you say to that ???