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Expect No Communication for Husband's BD tomorrow

Sweetie's picture

Well, it is my husband's BD tomorrow. We are technically "on vacation" but the cell number is not changed. But I don't expect that even SS will be big enough to call his Dad to wish him a Happy BD. I am rather annoyed with him anyways from this other mess from SD and his lies, rather than being honest. And SD will not talk to my husband, unless he apologizes. He has said, hell will freeze over first, as he did nothing wrong. And he is now absolutely furious, after the defammation incident, saying she just completely crossed the line. Oh, by the way, she considers me to be power hungry, and egotistical. Besides all the rotten other stuff she posted. And my husband is telling me to just forget about both of the kids and move on. How does he do it? I just can't get over the stuff my SD wrote and has said about me. It hurts terribly. How do you block out something like that? Drink? How can anyone do something so horrible....even to your enemy? People are supposed to have morals. It gives me such an incredible headache. I can't accept it. But I am going to try and have a good day tomorrow.
Unfortunately, I have to go to the dentist....and the receptionist is awful. Especially at billing. I've been trying to get something fixed for over 6 months. And both my husband and I have cleaning appointments at two different times in the day. Yuck! But after that, maybe we'll see a matinee or something fun. I don't really know what I'd do if my SS called tomorrow, maybe we'll just see what happens.
Hope the rest of you have a good day.


happy mom's picture

So sad that the relationship had built up that way. I can't believe that SD hates her dad or even wants an apology from him. I can't see myself hating my father. Your husband is right, forget about the kids. This is the only way you can keep your sanity. What ever she said about you is done and finished, stop dwelling on it. I know it's hard to forget and you will never forget but inside your self, forgive her so you can move on. Focus on you and your husband's life now. Keep your head up.

lylagarrett's picture

I have been told many times by my hubby the same that your hubby says and like you I can't seem to get it out of my head. And then I actually see the hurt in my husband and know that what he says and what he actually feels are two seperate things. Maybe not immediately after the words are spoken but in the days to follow. It grates on him just as much as it does me. Answers or suggestion, I don't have but support I have plenty. Keep you head up and think happy thoughts. That's what I have been trying to do anyway. I know words are easily spoken, but....................anyway. There HAS to be a rainbow at the end of the tunnell!

smcpaw's picture

I'm in a similar boat as you know. Try and focus on your relationship with your husband and enjoy the peace and quiet without the children. I think guys are different - they can block things out easier than us hormonal/sensitive women. Hang In there! We're all in this together - thank God we have support from each other.