Do kid really grow up at 21 and make decisions or do their biomoms ever leave them alone?
Well, that's a heck of a mouthful....but it really leaves you were are back to this old issue about my stepson. Flipping Snowflake Exwife will never leave stepson alone (who is now in the military) and makes his life hell when he is home to visit. She just can't ever let the subject rest about my husband and myself with my stepson and keeps stirring things up to try and upset him knowing it makes him uncomfortable. So, he still tries to stay in contact but its obvious that something has transpired since his last visit home at Christmas (to his Mom's). But he is not really at a point that he can say, hey, Dad, what can I say, I'm a wuss, and afraid of my mom. That's pretty much it in a nutshell. So now, my husband thinks and has convinced himself that my stepson won't come for Easter even though my stepson has said differently.
What to do? I usually just send him a letter and ask him to call and straighten out the mess. Meanwhile, my little puppy is at the animal hospital awaiting surgery. Tomorrow he is having the operation on his tibia to repair the damage. The vet is drilling a hole in the bone to screw the bone and chip back together and then he has to stay in a splint for 6-8 weeks and on bedrest with limited activity until the leg strengthens. I got teary eyed when we had to leave him there. I've only had him since February 9. He is just 17 weeks old. He's my greyhound puppy-my baby Bullet. Surgery is tomorrow afternoon so I can call late in the afternoon to see how he is doing but then he has to stay a day or so for observation. He will be in a splint for 6-8 weeks--the vet surgeon is making the repairs and inserting a screw to put the bone chip and bone back together where the knee joint are. He pulled his whole splint off today while he was in the crate. Please keep him in your good thoughts. My other 2 dogs are fairly well-Murphy and Comet. Murphy cut his foot last night on some thorns so I dressed it. And Comet is 15 and old and grouchy. Hope the rest of you all are doing well.
- Sweetie's blog
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