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I want to share something special

Sweet T's picture

My former 18 year old step son sent me thing today:

Good morning Sweet!

So I'm graduating this year and I want my entire family to attend my graduation party on the 25th (if they can of course). However, I have a dilemma, I do not have the addresses for Uncle J, Aunt J, Grandma and Grandpa , or Aunt P. I am wanting to send them each a grad party invitation and would apple it their addresses. Hahaha.

Thanks Sweet! I love you,

This brought tears to my eyes. I often wonder why my path was to end up with a man who cost me everything, who abused me, why did I allow myself to settle my only child with a mentally ill, selfish father... I am a good person, hard working, loving caring....

I believe that I was lead done that path so that I was their for the 2 stepsons. So their younger years when they were with their dad was better, because I picked up the slack when their father lay around and did nothing. I loved them and cared for them and kept them safe.

I ended up being friends with their mother over the 11 years I have known them. I cried when I read the email and I sent her this and here is her response.

ME: I got it and it made me cry. Thanks for always being so good to me and allowing them to love me.

BM: It was their choice to love you … and it still is their choice.They love the people that care for them and love them back … thank you for doing that. J

My ex in his crappy demanding way has asked to take our son to an awards ceremony & graduation for SS. He does not have and agreed to no week day visitation in our divorce. They will be pretty late nights for a kid who goes to bed at 8pm and has to be up at 6am. I will let him go and will most likely be late for work the next day. My son loves his brother's and they love him.


WalkOnBy's picture

"I will let him go and will most likely be late for work the next day. My son loves his brother's and they love him."

And that's what it's all about Smile

Good for you, Sweet, good for you <3

Sweet T's picture

Sally, I stick pretty much to the co, this is an exception. Ex agreed to it, signed it but thought after we divorced he could date me and other women, do his laundry and see bs when ever he wanted. Oh and I could pay for the dates. Wtf!!! Who thinks like this??? He is delusional and pretty nasty when he doesn't get what he wants. I stick to the decree, parallel parent and limited interactions. .email and text so there is a paper trail.