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Daddy, daddy, real daddy, step daddy bullshit

stuckinthebay's picture

BM and BMH push so hard with this daddy bullshit. BMH still calls himself daddy and BM has to always remind SD3 who her daddy is. No BM, your husband is not her daddy. Just like I'm not her mommy. You guys taught her very well that I'm not mommy. This pisses FH off. He has to hear them when SD3 talks to them online. SD3 doesn't want to talk to them much either still.

I told FH that he's going to teach SD3 and once SD3 moves back with her mom, they are going to reteach her again. She's going to be so screwed up. SD3 is very smart tho. It just sucks FH has to wait a few years until SD3 can really understand.


QueenBeau's picture

Why does she have to move back with her mom? Why can't your DH keep custody? Seems like that'd be better than going with them...

stuckinthebay's picture

I was a member before then deleted my account so all my stories were here but long story short

BM married quickly to this guy in the military. He is stationedin Germany so the judge granted BM to move with SD3. FH and BM share custody, SD3 moves back and forth every 5-6months until she starts school then she will be with BM full time. FH will get SD3 during breaks. Such a dumb parenting plan.

stuckinthebay's picture

SD3 was calling BMH daddy waaay before BM got married to him. They are training her well.

Disneyfan's picture

My sister and I call our stepdad daddy. We called our bio dad by his first name. (His wife hated that). He never paid one dime in CS. We saw him for a few hours every few years. We were 19 and 18 the first time I set foot in his home. That was the day we found out he had a wife (had been married for 17 years at that time)and a daughter (13 months younger than me and 2 months older than my sister).

Our stepdad raised us. He did everything a bio dad should do. Very few people know that he isn't our father. Steptalk is the only place where I use the term stepdad. He and my mom will celebrate their 40TH anniversary in April. He didn't adopt us, we do not share DNA, but he is and always will be our dad.

MaddieH's picture

This p*sses FDH off no end. SS4 is constantly saying "I've got two daddies, Daddy Daddy and Matthew Daddy". No kid, you have one daddy! He only calls BM's partner daddy because BM makes him. And to think, when she heard SS call me mummy when he was 2 years old, she flipped her lid. Every time SS called me Mummy I'd correct him and say, no, I'm maddie. Mummy's at home / in work. But sometimes he'd forget and still call me mummy. BM said her son is nothing to do with me, I'm not his mummy and need to leave her son alone. Yet her ex bf was called Daddy (at the same time as her kicking off about SS calling me mummy) and when they split up, her new bf is called Daddy.

Harleygurl's picture

My DH went through this. BM programmed SS8 to call her husband Daddy. DH finally had to say "Stop telling SS8 to call your husband daddy. I'm his dad. I'm in the picture. It's disrespectful." Of course, she didn't. But SS8 has learned to refer to his step-dad as "Step-dad" when he is with us. Of course when DH and I got married (we went to Vegas and didn't tell anyone until we got back) the first question out of BM's mouth was "What is SS8 going to call Harleygurl? He had better not call her mom!" When SS8 asked me what he should call me I just told him to call me Harleygurl. And he's fine with it. Some people just don't understand the damage they do to their kids.

KiFire's picture

SD7 is getting tired of being asked to call BM1s BF daddy, BM1 has asked her to do this so that SD's little sister won't be 'confused'. But SD7 is just annoyed, it's hysterical. "I mean I didn't have to call YOU mummy when BS4 was a baby! and he isn't confused! I just don't get it!"