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Judge Judy, BM, BD, and little princess daughter...

StickAFork's picture

LOL, I'm a Judge Judy fan... I DVR it and watch it first thing in the mornings before the kids are up. Wink

Yesterday's involved a case with separated parents (never married) and their entitled teen daughter. Dad fell 5 months behind in support, totaling $6000.

BM took him to court on contempt, and agreed that if BD gave DD a car (Lexus worth ~$5000) then she would waive arrears. He did and she did.

Princess DD was NOT licensed, but had her permit. Mom only insured the car with liability insurance. Daughter drove the car, unaccompanied, unlicensed, and totaled the car.

Dad sold the car for parts for $300 and offered to give it to BM/DD. BM refused. INSISTED that BD promised to buy DD another car for $3000.


She wanted more $$ to buy the DD another car. DD was pissed at BD because he wasn't buying her another car.

BM lost the case.

ARE YOU F'N SERIOUS??? BM didn't fully insure the car and let her DD drive it unlicensed. DD totaled it, and she wants her to have another car?!?
WTF is wrong with her?!?

Oooooh, this case just made my blood boil! My DS18 racked up tickets right after he got his license and I took the license AND his truck away. I don't want to be responsible for him being stupid and killing someone, and *I* bought that shit! I didn't demand his POS father do it!!

Ugh. The entitlement. And the worst part is that the DD was pissed at her dad over it. Way to teach her responsibility, mom!


StickAFork's picture

She told the dad to give BM the $300 he got for parts. Guy had the cash on him, handed it over to BM, and it was done.
He tried to give it to BM previously, but she refused it. Smile She was pretty pissed.

Shaman29's picture

I nicknamed the judge in DH's custody hearings Judge Judy. The name stuck because she reminded me of her so much. Especially when she'd rip into DH and Uberskank. Smile

Unfreakingreal's picture

OMG - SS20 has gotten 4 reckless driving and speeding tickets in less than a year. A few weeks ago, he crashed his car. He of course, only has liability because full coverage with his shitty license would have been outrageous. So guess what DH did? Yup, he paid 900.00 to fix SSs car. And after he paid it? We got ANOTHER summons in the mail that he got in November for...wait for it...RECKLESS DRIVING. DH is a fucking idiot, I don't even get involved, I just hand over the summons and walk away.

stormabruin's picture

How many wreckless driving tickets are you allowed within a timeframe before they take your license???

Unfreakingreal's picture

So far he has 6 points on his license. I think this latest ticket will bump it up to 8. I think you lose it at 10.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Here's the thing. He's getting these tickets in residential streets. We live in a VERY small town. Speed restrictions are VERY heavily enforced. We moved here almost 9 years ago. I have NEVER been pulled over. This kid gets stopped on average of twice a month. He gets away with a warning a lot of times because his best friend who is usually in the car with him, is the son of a cop. If not? Forget it. He would have lost the license months ago.

purpledaisies's picture

I saw that one too. I lol when I heard what the Bm and ds wanted. I love how jj ripped into her. If I remember she said she has other cases waiting on this

I too thought Bm was being nasty and just wanted to screw the dad over and jj saw it.

Anon2009's picture

That must have been awesome. I love Judge Judy and bet the wife/SO of the biodad in question will be joining us soon, if she hasn't already...