I think the unspoken stress in our household has reached huge proportions!! Help please!
Ladies - I'm calling out to you for help. And whether that help just be a story to get my mind of this or a joke or whatever.... Please just write! And I'm REALLY NOT asking for any praise or anything like that.. That makes me uncomfortable.
It started today because I keep having trouble getting myself out of bed and facing the day.
And then in the shower, and ever since, I just feel like crying. Like I want to cry all day. And nothing different is happening!!
But even more of a clue for me is the dreams / nightmares that SD, DH and I are all having.
Sunday night SD dreamt that DH was dead.
Sunday night DH dreamt that his aunt was dead.
Sunday night I dreamt about The Exorcist! (I know, go figure! But it is Fall and I like to tease SD that I am going to start making her watch scary movies!!)
DH texted me this morning and told me that he had another nightmare last night.
Last night, DH dreamt that he was cheating... But I was the other woman!! What??!
Last night, I dreamt about Child Support and my income figuring into that! WTF?
SD didn't tell me this morning that she had any dreams last night. But she has said in the past few days that she has been having "weird" dreams again lately.
So between my lethargy, and need to cry, and all of us having some weird dreams... I just feel like we are stressed out to the max.
And it's not like we don't talk!! I talk to DH at least an hour every night and SD talks to him every night. And SD and I talk - probably too much!!!
Please ladies... just tell me something stupid!!
Love to you all...
- Stick's blog
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Last night, I had a dream............
that I was back in high school and didn't know where my classes were AND I WAS NAKED!!!!!!
just kidding, I can never remember my dreams.
But, I don't know what it is - I have felt like crying today too. Lots of BM nonsense over here.
******My daddy always said: "It's better to be a SMARTASS, than a DUMBASS!******
um...i'm drinking a totally delish Espresso Truffle
And I downloaded a ridiculously adorable picture of Doodle on facebook...
hmmm...more stupid more stupid... ummm... OH! When my brother was a teenager he rushed down the steps telling us to stop eating the crabs we were eating...to which we replied, "why" and he says, "BECAUSE THEY CAUSE CANCER!!" we were all like, "HUHWA??? Where did you see something so ridiculous???" He says, "In the dictionary there's a picture of a crab and underneath that picture it says,'CANCER'"
Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha
I had
a dream last week about spiders. Then a couple of days later we found the biggest spider, not at our house, huge black widow, biggest one I'd ever seen. I don't like to dream, I wake up tired.
Anyway, just wanted to write something to you, hope your feeling better.
Two weeks ago I got a California Roll, ticket. That's a California rolling stop through a stop sign. I was told it would cost nearly $300, the ticket hasn't been recorded and I can't find out how much yet, but I was on the verge of tears all day. I can't afford $300!
OH I can't believe I forgot about this one...
I had a dream that I was a size 2 with rock hard abs and perfect skin and somehow I ended up gangbanging an entire police force of Gap Model lookalikes...whew!! Talk about tired after a dream!
Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha
OMG, I had a horrible dream Sunday night too
I dreamed that DH was cheating on me, with his ex (SS's mom)! And she was pregnant! And he waited till she was 7 months along to tell me, and we were on vacation at the beach when he did! I was SOOOO mad when I woke up, he's lucky he was out of town or I'd have punched him, lol.
lets see, funny things...
i like to go read Icanhascheezburger.com whenever I have the blues!
Only in America can you find
Only in America can you find a drive up ATM with Braille lettering....
When I was in 9th grade I had a major crush on a tall drink of water named Tim. One day he sat next to me in homeroom and we hit it off. A few months later he asked to borrow a pen and I told him to grab it out of the front pocket of my backpack. He reached in and pulled it out but it was a TAMPON instead. He looked mortified, I turned red and Tim and I never spoke again.
He was really cute too....
OMG...starbucks right out of my nose!!! lmao
Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha
Welcome to OUR world!
Question for you though...would you tell the kids if you found out BM was gay and she wanted to stay "in the closet" and hide it from them forever?? Would YOU and your DH keep BM's dirty little secret??
Had to share...
The 'in the closet' comment reminded me of something a friend told me last week.
He could hear 2 people talking in the cubicle next to him, when he heard one tell the other rather loudly, "Dude, you're so far in the closet, you're in Narnia!"
That was too funny!
That was too funny!
Okay DPW.... your analogies are just cracking me up!!
I can't stop laughing - out loud - to myself - at the table!
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
That was halarious. You rock!
My only issue with keeping the secret is...it is damaging everyone involved because she hates herself so much. She lashes out in anger at the slightest little things and drags her kids through the dirt without even realizing what she is doing. BM has some very deep-seeded issues.
Are you pregnant?????
My dream last night was that Gene Simmons was my BF and we had great sex!!!! But the only thing was that he looked like Tommy Lee....go figure.... I think both are butt ugly BTW......... I guess I just liked the sex?????
Tommy lee is sooo nasty but
he's got that gritty,grimy,dirty boy,filthy sex thing going on...I love it
Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha
As a child of the 80's I
As a child of the 80's I loved Motley Crue and thought that Tommy was cute back in the day....although I always though Nikki Sixx was cuter and sexier!!
I have been having some messed up dreams lately too. 2 nights ago I dreamt that Alice Cooper was chasing me through this dark house with lots of narrow staircases while singing his song Poison...
Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin
maybe you were trying to get away from his singing???? HAHAHAHA
I used to love that song
I used to love that song back in the day though.....maybe he was trying to tell me something.....am I .....poison???
Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin
don't fall asleep...
2 summers ago, my little brother had a pool "drinking party" out in the back yard. Him and all his buddies had quite a time out there, and after a lot of carrying on, they all started to pass out. Thats when my sister and I snuck in for revenge(cost of a nights sleep). My brother was passed out on a lawn chair, and we decorated him with a box and a half of maxi pads! Stuck them all over his body! We waited to see his reaction when he woke up, to bad he was the last one of the group to open their eyes. The laughter was even louder that morning, and my sis and I got to join in! ~ " I'm awful sorry you got pissed, just have to cross you off the list, of my true friends." PHISH~
i think
we just all miss the 80's when rock songs were all about fun, and sex, and even the guys had great hair! ~ " I'm awful sorry you got pissed, just have to cross you off the list, of my true friends." PHISH~
Toooo funny ladies!!
Thank you so much for the laugh!!!
From the Gap Model Gang Bang to the Hot dogs vs. Tacos to reliving my hair band days...
You put a smile on my face!! Sia - you actually scared the sh*t out of me... and I am hoping that my period 2 weeks ago, although short, was real. EEEk - I can't even go there right now!
Thanks again ladies!! You da best!
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
didnt mean to scare ya, but
that what happened to me every times i was pregnant. That's how I would know....strange dreams and the weepy crap! Do your boobs hurt????
Ohhh F*CK
Yes my boobs are KILLING me. BUT I have a real long history of breast pain. Like pretty much every month for a long time. At first , I went on Mirena to combat it... because I had been on the pill for over 20 years??!! Then, they started really hurting!! So then I went on Mirena and did a lot better. But after 5 years, the breast pain came back. To the point where I can't take my bra off without hurting.
I am completely birth control free (except with some gymnastics involved) . Um, but I can't say for sure if breast pain is a sign for me or not. I HOPE NOT.
Anyways, it's not unusual for me to have this much breast pain and I did just have a pretty heavy period 2 weeks ago.
OH this CAN'T BE HAPPENING. Please pray that it's NOT! I'm 45, I take 3 medications daily just to be able to keep my asthma under control. Between my age and my health, it just would not be good.
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
Times like these I'm so happy I can't have anymore babies! At the ripe ole' age of 27 I am sterile FOREVER thanks to gigantic cysts and uterine ablasion and Class IV endometriosis!!! WOOHOO right?! lol
hmmm...I guess DH didn't need that snip snip after all...waste of money that was!
Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha
Have you had anything checked yet?
I have a history of tumors and cysts (all benign luckily), so anything that is more painful or heavier or weird, I am all about getting checked.
I've been having dreams lately...
About Vincent Irizarry...he plays Dr. David Hayward on "All My Children" (the soap that I've been watching since I was a teenager). They have been REALLY HOT dreams! He plays such a mean character, too...it's weird. He is a super hottie, though. mmm, yummy! If I weren't married to DH, I may have to go and find him! hehe
Love :o
Okay, here are two random Youtube videos
One is a Lawrence Welk clip that is hilarious, because the people obviously don't know what they're singing about:
One is just a really funny cat video that totally cracks me up:
- You are not second best, you are not second class. Do not ever let anyone make you feel that way. (2Bloved)
Totally O/T
Perfectson17 got detention for something pretty stupid in my opinion so when I signed off on his slip last night I put a great big happy face on it and then when he signed it he put a happy face too. We got really tickled over it so he took a picture of it and uploaded it to facebook with the caption: Go me and mom - fight the power! LOL!!!!!
Aren't we rebels? LMAO!!!
lol that's cute!
Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others. ~Buddha
Grown up idiot
Here is some stupid stuff for ya, Stick.
I've been having crazy vivid dreams. Fri I dreamed my car was stolen and DH wouldn't come get me. It was so real, I woke up mad at him....and stayed that way all day.
I have a terrible habit of laughing at inappropriate things. I can not help it!! seriously. Falling down on tv, never funny. Real life, i laugh my ass off. So, I was at a funeral and my great aunt passed out. People thought I was yelling/crying but really I was doubled over with laughter as I tried to go outside....stuffing kleenex over my face. I'm going straight to hell.
My single sister is sooo nice, she can't say no when a guy asks for her number, so she panics and gives them Moms. We are from the deep South and Mom gets calls from the NYPD and junk like that all the time.
hope you smiled!!
"Courage is fear holding on a minute longer." General George S. Patton
I smiled....and much more!
I laughed!!
THANK YOU LADIES - all of you!! God Bless!
*** A rainbow just threw up on me... and now I'm sh*tting glitter! ***
stand up for your rights
I am so glad to see this website. In the 80's I started a second wives groop call Second Wives of America Demanding Equality. We had members all over the place. We fought for joint custody, strict visitation enforcement and against the courts using the second wives wage to up the child support. We testified at public hearings, testified for and agaist state legistlation, and worked with of there groups like the fathers rights. We marched from the courthouse to the capital on fathers day with our picked signs.
We tried to convince the courts if the ex wives would let the fathers see their children they probably would have less problem getting child support. We supported the payment of child support. I would like to ask all of you venting to write your congressman and senator and see if they would be interested in introducing legistlation to protect the second wife.