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Bd19 getting married!!

stepsonhatesme's picture

My oldest daughter is trying to enter into the national guard.Her bf is already sworn in. She told me that ifshe passesthat her and bf want to get married before he shops out. If she doesn't pass themshe said that they will wait until Dec when he comes home for 2 Weeks. I've told her that o just don't think that the 2 of them are not grown up enough.
What else can I say? Over also told them I'd like ity if they lived together for a while first.
They are talking about getting married in the next 10-15 days....


stepmonster_2011's picture

What are the Pros (I can figure out the cons) of getting married RIGHT NOW?

stepsonhatesme's picture

IDk if it will be full time or traditional. She told me something about if they were married then, she would get his benefits like insurance and what not. I'm thinking if she makes it wouldnt she have her own..duh?
My BD hasnt passed her ASFAB test yet, but bf has and he is already sworn in. He leaves Oct. 22.
I agree that they should wait until they get everything out of the way, and then do it the right way.

stepsonhatesme's picture

I have told BD and BF that I approve of them getting married....on certain conditions(they would have to do ALL of them)
1. They have to live together at least 1 year, to really know one another, and to see if they can deal with seeing each other all the time.
2. They should have a place to live, so they can understand the pressures of everyday living. with bills and all
3. That they wait until after basic and all the training. Just in case either one of them change their minds. It easier and cheaper to get married than it is to get divorced.

My Dh is in agreement with this. BD bf mother hates my daughter and has tried to break them up, gone so far as to pay a girl to break them up. (the girl had a good heart and told BD and bf what his mom was doing). Bf dad likes BD but IDK if he would be happy with a marriage.

BD has told me that it would only be DH, myself, BF aunt and uncle. and of course BD and bf at the wedding. Just the 6 of us.
Not my grandparents---who helped raise BD, not his parents or any brothers or sisters....

Im concerned that they are just rushing into something that they will regret later.