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I'm Ready for SDs to go home =(

stepmomto2many's picture

They have been causing hell. I can't take it. It’s only been 3 and half days with 5 more to go and I just can't deal. Maybe it’s because I'm not use to dealing with teenagers I don't know. I am about ready to burst. These are the things they have done that really piss me off.

1. They listened at my door while DH and I were making love and we heard them laughing. DH had to get up and handle them.

2. They dig their hands in BD3s snack bowl or ask her for some when they have their own snacks in the kitchen.

3. The other day I had to get on SD13 for having BD3 feed her a chicken strip from BD3s plate.

4. DH begged me to go to the movies as a family and we had to argue to make them change out of their PJs. During the whole movie they were burping and giggling amongst each other.

5. They bully SS7 a lot. He is the only good one.

6. When DH grounded OSD for cursing in front of the little ones she walked out of the room and went outside to hang out with the neighborhood kids. When DH and I finally realized he had to go out there and argue her to come back inside. I wanted to drag her back in the house.

7. SD15 told me to stop telling her what to do because I am not her mom.

I'm tired. I can't handle teenagers and neither can DH. I can't even kiss DH without one of them popping up saying eww.


RedWingsFan's picture

Sorry honey.

This is how I'd handle that bullshit!

1. I would've asked "do you want us to leave the door open next time so you can watch?

2. Smack their hands out of BD's snacks and say "Quit stealing from a helpless toddler - get your own!"

3. "Are you THAT much of a slovenly pig that you have to have my 3 yr old feed you?"

4. I would've gotten up, said loudly "Well, Since SOME teenage girls can't behave themselves and act like ladies, I guess we'll all have to just LEAVE" and made a big embarrassing scene.

5. "If I catch either one of you messing with SS7 again, you're both dressing in dirty, ripped clothes, holding a sign in front of you that says "I beat up little boys" and standing in the mall so all your friends can see how horrible you are to your brother".

6. I would've beaten DH for arguing with a kid. "DH, she's your CHILD, not your equal. Demand her to come inside or give her consequences for not listening and FOLLOW THROUGH or *I* WILL"

7. "Yes, SD15, I'm NOT your mom. Nor do I want to be your mom. Which is exactly why I'm not allowing you to walk all over me. You will treat me with respect or you will NOT come here any longer. If you have a problem with that, go talk to your dad".

Sorry but I don't play around. That's bullshit and if your DH can't see to disciplining his kids and making them respect you, they shouldn't be allowed in your home anymore!

oldone's picture

You need to go into Exorcist mode. Call the little brats out for their horrible behavior.

Get a fly swatter and slap (hard) any hand that goes near your daughter or her belongings.

Damn I'm so mad right now just reading about this I'd come over with a fire hose and sweet that shit out of your house.

bi's picture

^^^^this^^^^. my mom and sf would do it in the middle of the afternoon when my brother and i were home and awake, and their room was right off the living room. i did not stand there and listen. i got pissed at how rude they were being and went upstairs where i didn't have to hear it. not saying OP and dh are rude to have sex, just that it was disgusting and uncalled for for my mom and sf to do what they did all hours of the day, knowing damn well we would hear them.

i can't imagine actually wanting to listen to that. those kids are disgusting.