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It doesn't take much to make a Stepmom feel left out with all the Social Media stuff

stepmom31's picture

I thought things had been going great, then this mini-little-thing that made me so ANGRY.

DH's SIL wanted to take the kids to a show on a weekend we didn't have them. DH told her to ask BM, which she did and she got the kids for the weekend. DH was driving past where the show was on Sun (to get to somewhere else) and decided to meet up with them and have a great time.

The ONLY problem, he didn't tell me.

He didn't tell me before, when I asked him if he was going to meet them up and I asked him point blank not to lie to me and not to lie by omission.

He did not tell me after, when I called to see if he had arrived at his final destination safely.

I found out after I put the kids to bed and was checking FB. SD had posted pics of herself and DH. DH, SD, SS, and SIL (all of whom I am friends with on FB) were tagged in all the pics, guess what - for some reason I could NOT see them from my profile. I could only see them from DH's profile.

I wonder if DH told SD to hide them from me, or if she just did that all on her own?

SIL tagged DH then BM next to him then ME last, in the post she did. That made me feel weird too.

BM commented on SD's Instagram pic of SD and DH saying "this is so cute".

I know all of this is pretty insignificant (EXCEPT the LYING), but it just feels very very awkward when you've come from a nuclear family and really don't expect to be left out like this.

END of SOB STORY, because I know there are those of you with bigger problems out there.


Anne Boleyn's picture

Lying is a big problem. And it's not petty to feel left out, especially when they did so deliberately and tried to hide it on FB.

Living the dream's picture

"...he'd better start figuring out a new place to live until you get his paper work drawn up."

Oh, yeah! This is what I'm talking about!

Unfreakingreal's picture

I would be FURIOUS about this if it were me. NOT because DH went, but because he went and didn't tell me. Something slightly similar happened last year for SD12s birthday.
BM had a party for SD at a community room in her neighborhood. In the 12 years that DH and I have been together he had NEVER gone to ANY of SDs parties. Last year, he decided to go for a few minutes. I threw a bitch fit like none ever before. He couldn't understand, to him it was all about "seeing his daughter." To me it represented something much bigger. It represented that BM got what she wanted, the perfect little pretend family, mommy, daddy and baby girl while I sat at home none the wiser.
It is rude and disrespectful in my opinion. I'm sorry he did that because I know EXACTLY how you felt when you saw those pics. Like you swallowed a peach pit right?

KiFire's picture

I'd be pissed, and FDH and I have little to no problems between us regarding the Skids, we don't differ in opinions and he isn't a disney dad. But if he pulled some shit like that without telling me, ESPECIALLY if I had asked hima bout it I would be ripshit and he would know it.

TASHA1983's picture

Same here, my dh is not a Disney dad, nor does he kiss bm or skids ass. We are on the same page for the most part as well. I would not tolerate or accept anything less. He knew before he married me how I felt about bm and skid and that whole situation and we have been a united front ever since so if that "tune" ever changed then he will be in for a serious shit storm!

Anon2009's picture

I can see wanting to see your kids, and your extended family. But that was messed up that he didn't tell you.

I would let him know that. And I'd stop checking SDs Instagram and social media posts.