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Arrrrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhh! I just wanna scream after court this morning.

stepmasochist's picture

So, we went to court. The main thing over DH's CS arrearages. He's had sole custody for two years, BM standard visitation. No one was ordered to pay CS in the temp visitation outline.

Our brilliant clerk's office failed to send anything to the AG. DH's CS debt was accruing at the rate of what it was before he had custody. Before he got custody there was some arrearage, but nothing to the tune of what it was as of this morning according to the AG's office.

After much dickering between lawyers and us and BM, we came up with a number. And it was proposed that in 20 months of BM not paying what she should, DH's arrearage will go away.

I said "eff it" will she take ?? amount and one year with no CS now. I wanted this crap over with.
Our lawyer comes back with she wants $1,000 more. I said, "nah, we'll take the original at 20 months." He comes back with she wants $500 more than I proposed. Now, DH and I were agreeable to this, though it meant an extra $500 for her, but see, I know she's a money-grubbing blankidy blank blank so I said, "we can do that, but go back and tell them no." HA! They took the original amount I proposed. DH is a horrible negotiator and he was really sweating that.

BUT, they slipped in now BM has joint custody. It really doesn't make much difference. She was handling all of the medical crap like a friggin' control freak to try and grasp at her little bit of "momness" i.e. actually providing for her children. Funny, how the kids didn't see a dentist um, how bout their WHOLE LIFE under her care BEFORE we got custody. Now that she's got a medicaid card, she wants braces on all of them yesterday. And she tries to pretend they're on SCHIPS instead of straight up welfare. Can she open her mouth without lying?

I'm just ranting. It's going to be hard to fork over that check to her lawyer on Wednesday, but I AM so glad it's out of the way - for now. We've got a year to breath easy. Well, not exactly. We'll have to watch to see how she starts manipulating the oldest who turns 12 next year. Funny thing though, that's the one kid who will straight up tell anyone including the other two, "I know my mom's a liar." I guess we've got that going for us.


stepmasochist's picture

I was a little bit at first, but I read the paperwork and DH is still the primary. He decides the residence and is the only one who can make important (education, medical, etc) decisions independently. She can't.

It's basically just putting on paper what's been going on anyway.

I wanted to kick the lawyer though. She would have taken less money to have joint custody. Oh well. It's over with. It's a huge weight off. I can't wait to clear it up with the attorney general.