Trying Not to Obcess or Let BM's Accusations Get to Me
I posted a week ago about how BM sent me an email claiming my SO tried to sleep with her. I have been trying to follow the advice and ignore it, but it's been hard.
SO has filed for a TRO, but the judge wanted more information, so I was forced to read the email again. The good thing that came out of it was that I realized that when SO told her personal information about me it was when we first started dating and not in some insidious way. He shouldn't have, but that was YEARS ago.
I also realize that BM has the date of the last time SO supposidly tried to sleep with her wrong. She says it was a day when it couldn't possibly have been. }:) It will be really interesting to see if she shows up in Court with text messages from another date but saying the same story that she is trying to push. I really hope that is the case so the whole thing can blow up in her face.
Also, I didn't realize the first time I read this how much she blames me. It's my fault that he has a CO because I helped him. I am hurting her and his exwife by helping him to be able to see his kids. She really was (and is) out to hurt me.
She is also delusional, which I already knew, but I honestly have to wonder how that woman functions. She said she tells SD that "they tried to be a family, but it didn't work," which is a COMPLETE LIE. They were NEVER anything to each other and even she says she has never been romantically interested in SO, so why is she trying to act like it was anything other than what it was?
Still, I am bothered by it and I realize that is MY issue. I just really wish the judge would hurry up and grant the TRO, and that the hearing would hurry up and happen, so that we can see for sure whether BM shows up and what "evidence" she brings with her. I know that won't be the end of it, but for me in some ways I feel like it will help me to feel even better.
Everyday, I try to practice forgiveness towards her and everyday I just have a hard time with it. I guess this, like everything else, will just have to get better with time.
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They're inadmissible in
They're inadmissible in Court, so that's how I feel about them in general. And I'd rather buy shoes with the money.
IF there is anything to it, it will come out at the hearing next month. It's highly doubtful though.
They are not always
They are not always inadmissible in court. Not sure where you heard that. That are several states that allow polygraphs to be admitted by stipulation. And in Federal Court, a judge can allow the results of a polygraph test to be admitted into evidence (unless that has changed recently). It's a matter of judicial discretion.
Sure, there are ways around
Sure, there are ways around it, but it's not the same as just like presenting evidence at trial, and that was more my point. It's known that people can "fool" them and, really, I'm not going to that extent. This is not a murder case we're talking about here. }:)
No. It's not a murder case.
No. It's not a murder case. Thank goodness. And I've never met an attorney who would encourage a client to take a polygraph. But I wouldn't want someone to read this and believe that information obtained through a polygraph examination is not admissible at trial. Because in many situations, it very much is.