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Can't Wait! And advice needed

step off already's picture

We are about to present BM with her first month of SS14's medical expenses: glasses, contacts and counseling. Her 50% portion will amount to about $325.

Should we hand it to her at the exchange on Friday night - me or dh hop out of the car at the public transportation station, knock on her door and hand her the envelope? Should we send it certified mail to her current address? The address she uses for court that she tells us to send things to (since the apt she lives in is not under her name)?

Background: BM just got ordered to provide health insurance for SS14 (since she is NCP) and to pay for half of all medical. She has been absent from the time SS was age 5-11 (right about when DH and I got serious).

She pays no child support. At. All. and sees him EOWE and has him for 6 weeks during the summer.

Not that I think she will pay this, but what is the best way to do this so that we have our paper trail intact?


WTF...REALLY's picture

Not at the exchange. That is not for for the child.

Certified is the way to go. That way you have proof of payment request.

step off already's picture

Send to the apartment she lives in? Or send to her previous address that she requested we. Into he to send

Probably to both, right?

Certified? Return receipt? Proof of signature?

HadEnoughx5's picture

Yes. Make sure you keep records of all the bills. That way when you go back to court you'll have everything, including the certified letter information.

step off already's picture

And what happens at that time in court? We file for contempt? Asking for all money owed? The. When she doesn't pay?....

moeilijk's picture

After a while, have her served by a process server. It costs a pretty penny, but I'm 99% sure they keep copies of what they served. That way you KNOW she can't make any claims about not receiving it, or getting an empty envelope from you.

moeilijk's picture

After a while, have her served by a process server. It costs a pretty penny, but I'm 99% sure they keep copies of what they served. That way you KNOW she can't make any claims about not receiving it, or getting an empty envelope from you.