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Bm has a stalker. This is today's uodate

step off already's picture

So as we thought, Bm did not bother calling until 3:30. She didn't even go through the motions of asking DH to meet her half way so she could have her visit.

She just sent a text asking for ss to call her. DH didn't respond. Ss is at his cousin's. He can speak with her in his standard night in Monday and Wednesday of she chooses to answer her phone. (She's missed about half of her calls in the last few months)

Hmm. Maybe her stalker had his way with her


step off already's picture

She's absilutely crazy.

This is why we just allowed her to show up late for pick up. As she really doesn't actually 'care' but she will throw a fit and call te police and hem and haw. Then just go back to Her lonely life.

When she fights, it's not about spending time with ss. She threatens with police but for what? It's not like she wants more visitatuon - or even actually wants the visitation she has. She just tries to follow the court order as she is afraid of the police.

step off already's picture

The woman is clearly on drugs and suffers from brain problems. We try to ignore her and are happy there is a RO against her so we don't have to deal very often b

step off already's picture

I know she smokes marijuana (has her CA card) but she'll also be drunk and puking during ss's visits. Her behavior also wreaks of meth use.

We'll see.

step off already's picture

As noted in previous blogs; she is bat shit crazy. I know that what we did this weekend wasn't cool and maybe DH should have just told her that ss wasn't coming due to her stalker. But we've learned that any type of confrontation does not go over well. She just likes to fight DH. She doesn't like to fight FOR ss (as she will tell ss she's calling the police on him).

She's just a total dysfunction of a "mother'. No womanly instincts at all. No mothering vines in her body. She sees her child as another person she can try and play, get sympathy from, or play into her pity party.

step off already's picture

We could probably fightin and get her visitatuon ended or at least moved to supervised. But ss seems to like visiting (I guess I sgkukd say that he likes having his mom give him some attention). They do nothing during their visits, she yells/ tells him she has no money to spend on doing things with him. So usually he gets to watch her get drunk, Barf and throw a fit for whatever problems she has in her life that she thinks she can get sympathy from ss). Sometimes it has to do with her lesbian lover / gf that she's been living with for the oastb7 years (and left DH and ss for), other times it's the fact that her gf threw her out and now she is stuck in her one bedroom apartment (funny... Didn't know you can afford an apartment when you only make $60 each week and can't contribute to your son's care).

step off already's picture

Yes. Our BM likes to refer to herself (even to dh) as a poor, single mom. He laughs at her. Especially since she only has her kid 4 days a month and is single and ready to mingle (her words) the other 26 days of the month.