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Why is this so hard for her to get?

snoopyinoz's picture

Ok so SD11 has been in constant trouble for the last week. Mouthy, hateful, disrespectful, won't do her chores, ect. DH asked her last night what her deal was (I had to laugh, I KNEW what her answer was going to be) he standard answer? She doesn't want to go to BMs. DH explained to her for the umpteenth time that no matter HOW much trouble she gets into here, if she has been ordered to go to BMs she WILL go. This kid will NOT get that through her head! She continues to pull this crap on a daily basis! Ok so BM isn't the greatest, she plays favorites and ignores SD11 ALL the time, point is, SD11 will go to BMs next month. Until BM violates the court order, or royally screws up, the SDs will continue to go to her house AS ORDERED and SD11 needs to get this through her head! I personally am sick of SD11s crap and so is DH. The quicker this kid figures out she is only screwing herself, the quicker this crap will stop.


snoopyinoz's picture

Yes more than once and she STILL keeps this crap up. We have told her the reason she has to go and all that jazz