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Really BM?

snoopyinoz's picture

Ok supposedly BM drove to the pick up point a couple weekends ago and we didn't show (in our defense 1. This visit was only tennative NOTHING was set in stone 2. BM is ORDERED to call us 48 hrs in advance as the pick up point is a 3 hour drive for us and her. We haven't heard a PEEP from her) now she is wanting us to pay her gas for her driving there. Our atty told her atty "hmmm seeing as how MY. Clientt has made trips up to the pick up point and BM has NOT showed she needs to pay HIM THEN we will discuss HER payment" my question is since BM is "so worried" about seeing the kids (that she has had NO contact with since CHRISTMAS if she WAS there why didn't she oh CALL US? Why hasn't she bothered to call DH? Seems to me like she's just wanting something to bitch about


texstep's picture

Tell her to enjoy paying the $100+ filing fee to take you to court to get back her half a tank of gas.

Totalybogus's picture

Who is to say she REALLY was there??? I mean really... If I drove 3 hours and the person wasn't there, you bet I would be on that phone. I don't believe she really made the trip.