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When dad is no longer around and it becomes a no holds barred full on war

SMto3's picture

I saw a gofundme shared on fb by someone who doesn't do that, so I looked into it. What I found was DISGUSTING! Poor lady has to take care of her marine husband and while the guy was in the hospital in a coma, his daughters and family ransacked the house. Mind you, she didn't put this on gofundme, I started digging to see if the marine in a hospital story is true which it seems to be. I hate what this woman has to go through. Her disrespectful stepdaughter wrote some craziness too. Ugh, first time I'll be donating to gofundme and all because I can relate to the step parenting part of her life (which again she didn't mention, I just found out by looking through all these peoples' fb).

This is one of the stepdaughters post:

This is the woman's response

I find this whole thing so sad!!


ownpersonalopinion1's picture


SMto3's picture

I don't personally know these people, I just read that post and all the responses. I hope she did press charges. That girl acts like an animal. The part that gets me is (according to all the stuff I read) that this woman worked her ass off fir years to make that family work and still while the dad is in the hospital, still there's fighting! And the girl just sounds so ignorant, it's such a sad stepfamily story to me.

SMto3's picture

Agreed. When I read the girl write that her father told her he's sick because the wife is "keeping his daughters from him" I thought there were so many issues with it.

SMto3's picture

I know, another poster showed us a gofundme her sister in law created, wait a minute might've been you! Was she the one with all the kids, something about Christmas????

SMto3's picture

Yea a poster put it up for a few minutes and showed how deceiving I think her sister in law was. Meanwhile I think the husband was like a doctor or something. It was crazy!

SMto3's picture

No, the husband is in the VA I think. That was the friend or something, I think. I'll double check.

SMto3's picture

Lol, no some step parenting advice would be priceless. But apparently she no longer needs it, the stepdaughters are out of the house so technically she doesn't have to deal with them anymore.

kathc's picture

It is extremely sad and very likely it could be true, think about all the stuff we hear in here every day. Sure, some are making stuff up but I think the vast majority are honest.

I wouldn't donate because it's someone that I don't know in any way and therefore can't determine if I think they might be truthful. The only time I ever donate to those types of things is if I have a real knowledge of the situation. In general, I prefer to just donate to legitimate charities.

HungryEyes's picture

This was sad. The step daugher says 'Learn grammar you dumb bitch' (English is not stepmom's first language)

and Step Moms reply is below.

After all she wrote down there, SD replied back with 'I don't have time to read all that.'

She knows the truth. That her step mom did so much for her.

..."This is not about grammar, it's about letting people know the real deal. You said you are fighting for your Dad? When? Where? Because Since I can remember I have been the only one making sure he gets the right medical attention at the hospitals, I was the only one who contacted the State House of Representatives, (White House, President Obama and Congress) if you can understand) to make sure he receives ALL he deserves. I'm the one arguing with medical staff when his not receiving the right treatment.
I have never seen you wiping his bottom after a bowel movements, giving him a shower, shaving him, cutting his hair, playing his favorite music and movies, visiting EVERYTHING SINGLE DAY!!!. I DO, I DO IT ALL!!!.
Stop your self pity crap on facebook saying I don't allow to see you, when I have several pictures and videos of the few times you have been there, when I have been there also. Also, by law, the medical staff keeps tract of visitors and his family hardly ever visits him. Only your grandfather during the middle of the night visits your dad.
Stop telling people I threw Dallas out of my House, she wanted to follow the same wrong steps like you, sneaked out of the house while I was sleeping and I personally flew her to Miami to her Biological mother who by the way for 15 years NEVER PAID CHILD SUPPORT!!!
It's funny how she's now trying to play Mommy, when I had to work 2 to 3 jobs to support her 3 daughters for years and by Law, she's still liable for this debt and I will make sure it's PAID, because after all and whether you like it or not, I'AM YOUR FATHERS WIFE AND BU LAW I HAVE THE LAS T SAY!!!.
Do a good deed and returned everything you and your family stole out OUR home, your Father needs ALL his personal belongings.
All those beer bottles, used condoms, weed pipes and more that you ALL left, it's part of the disgusting evidence of what you all were doing in my House. YES, my house, we bought it together, it's ours; everything belongs to YOUR DAD AND I, and if anything were to happen to us, it's already on writing who's going to receive it ALL and trust me, it won't be you.
All your family none sense gangsters email are in Police hands, so if anything happens to me, they know exactly who to look for.
Tell people how you tried to jump me inside your dad's room and almost knocked his breathing machine down and they have to put you out, how you were the one asking me why I was there? Why? Because your Dad Called me every time he needed to go to the hospital because he didn't trust anyone of his family members, he knew ALL they want was his money and belongies, just like he helped you almost every month with money, because you always had a sad story, and how he bought you car and got you out of trouble several times. It's that what you are fighting for the money you can't receive anymore?...
If you didn't know, I m going to allow you to be informed: YOUR DAD HAS NO LIFE INSURANCE" NONE WHAT' SO EVER, so if God decides to take him earlier, THERE IS NO MONEY FOR ANYONE!!!!!!
You called me dumb bitch? Hahaha!!! Funny!!!. This dumb bitch raised you when your Biological Mother left you, this dumb bitch work two jobs to give you girls the best of the best and spend my money and time in you ALL, Not going to the club, not going out with my girls, working my Butt off 7 days a week; Monday-Friday at Citigroup and Allstate Insurance and as a waitress Friday- Sunday while your dad was sleeping or watching football.
Do you remember who took you skating, soccer for the first time, to the movies, swimming and every other fun activity? ME!!!!.
The hospital didn't want you there without a mature adult because you always acted like an animal, getto and the police always had to be called.
You stole several material things from me , from your feloow students or friends at school and from a friend over the years and you know what happened, I don't want to embarrassed you anymore than what you have done it your self.
Please returned everything you and you family stole from my husband while he was in a comma at the hospital, he needs his computer, music, video games, TV, EVERYTHING YOU ALL DIDN'T PAY A DIME FOR IT!!!..
You voice was recorded admitting of taking everything out of the house with your sister and your Grand Father. The police is very involved and I haven't filed criminal charges because I haven't have the time YET, I have a husband at the hospital who I see every day, I have two daughters (Your sisters) who you All ignore and treat them like crap! I have a full time Job, two homes and a very busy life.
But it's just about time I take time off from work and use the Law on my behalf, because No ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW! !!.
OH! By the way, I abused you? Please, let me laugh about that, just Read the defax, police reports show your friends who was being abused for so many years.
I wish you could have had a Good Mother who stands for her kids, but your Biological Mother was everything but that...
You can fool everyone else but me, I RAISED YOU, I know what you are capable of. ....It sad, you are such a smart girl, and I said girl because I can tell, YOU HAVE NOT GROW UP A BIT!!!!
Be Blessed, I wish you and your sisters the best!!!"

SMto3's picture

That response killed me inside! All she did for those girls (which they never denied she did) and they grew up to still screw her over, and their dad too! Selfish! It shouldn't...but it makes me rethink how much energy I could invest into people who can turn their back on me for no good reason at any given moment

Also I'm sure stepdaughter read it but didn't know how to respond.