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My SS made my day by sending me flowers

smomof2's picture

My mom just texted me to say that while she was walking ss6 to school this morning, he saw wild flowers on the sidewalk, and asked her to help him pick some. He then handed her the flowers and say "please bring it to SM and baby".

I am very touched. SS6 is always been close to me and so sweet. But this also goes to show that DH is going a good job of modeling to the boys how to treat me. DH loves to garden and every week or so, he would pick a few flowers from the garden and tell the SSs to bring to me. This is the first time SS6 did it all on his own without being prompted. It's BM's weekend so I won't see him until Monday to thank him Sad but that gesture from him reminded me why being a SM is not bad all the time and I need to focus on that when times get rough.


purpledaisies's picture

So sweet awe I love to hear things like this. My ss's will tell me happy bday and stuff. They do get their dad presents but never me. But I never expected any either.

Stupidlyoptimistic's picture

Aww! Aren't little boys awesome? DH taught my son to do that, too. Now every time we go to the grocery, he wants to buy me flowers. He gets upset, too, when I say no. Sad it's not really in our budget right now. I always tell him 'thanks for thinking of me, though'. Then he comes home and picks 'flowers' out of the yard to give me. Little boys can be so sweet. Just goes to show that they really do pay attention. Smile