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i looked at bm's myspace today

smnikki's picture

because she is always broadcasting her life on her status i do investigating from time to time. Today it reads:

"Bm hates dumb bitches"

i dont think this is in reference to me, im sure she had drama with other people since every friend i have ever met of hers thinks she is a manipulative beeoch, but i couldnt help myself....I changed my status update to read:

"hahahahahaha, do you want to be the pot or the kettle"

i guess i could have said this too, "those that live in glass houses shouldnt throw stones"


libby's picture



Sia's picture

FB everyday sometimes I'll purposefully put things there to piss her off. Yes, yes, I already know it's immature and stupid...but it's funny too!!!

Sia's picture

you can put on your page. I dont have one, but I know b/c she cant help but start crap by repeating what I put in my status line......

If I post something about my IL's, she'll call them and 10mins later, DH's cell is ringing, or BM will call and jump DH's ass for something, things like that. She's not my "friend" on either, I just know she does it from the drama she starts.

stuckinthemiddle's picture

that BM used to check my myspace all the time and use it as a way to 'talk trash' via her status line. One time she took a pic that I posted as my profile pic and copied to her profile pic and added captions on it. How psycho? I finally pissed her off by updating my status saying " I love to be envied". This set off a shi#@storm and we battled via email for weeks. She's so immature.

imagr8tma's picture

I have my stuff set to private just for that reason...... I don't want her viewing anything on either of my pages......

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************

Anon2009's picture

she'll make your BM look like a saint!

She posted a poem on it recently, and I'll post it here for a good laugh, with the real info on her creepy BF inserted in parentheses:

I'm in love (with a convicted criminal, deadbeat dude who still lives with Mommy at age 44)
We'll be together forever (he said the same thing to the seven mothers of his children)
He's me knight in shining armor (who doesn't see or pay CS for his kids, or work)
We'll have children together :sick:
I get warm every time I think of him (I don't know about you ladies but I wouldn't get warm thinking about this guy)
He'll go the distance for me (again, something he's already told 7 other women)
I will love him till the day I die.

HummingBirdHunny's picture

I admit once in a while i check out BM's myspace page, and I will change my status so that it says something to piss her off. But I try not to over do it. My myspace and facebook pages are both private. She doesn't need to know what goes on in my life or should she have the option to view my pics.

Anon2009's picture

but mine is also set to private so she can't see it. Plus I'm friends with the SDs on myspace so I can't really put anything negative about BM there anyway. Even if I did not mention BM by name they'd still figure out that I'm talking about her. BM has tried to friend me numerous times but there's no way I can be friends with her, even if only on myspace.

DISbelief's picture

However she must see mine because she calls my FSIL and tells her "I know you were in town, why didn't you come see me?" and the ONLY way she would know is from my page... FSIL's is private... mine is public for EVERYONE to see, I have nothin to hide.. let her look. It's sad really. I can also tell because when she is on one of her rampages, like right now... there are like a million hits on my page until she has gotten over whatever it is she is pissed about...


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ ; )

stepmomma00's picture

haha! this is great! i know bm checks mine, because, like someone said above, someone gets a text or phone call regarding what my status is. also, she will write something in her status thats relates to what i put. it gets a rise out of her, and i love it. my page can be viewed, but she cant see my comments, or pictures...and thats what im sure she is dying to see. it drives her crazy and i love it! karma is a bitch. ..i never respond to her little status comments, and im sure that just adds fuel to the fire Smile