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Upset and obviously Dumb


Well my friend watches our DD14mo. I have been having some financial troubles. Yes I say I because DH and I dont have joint accounts..etc. I have CS to pay so does DH. I have to pay 50/50 on medical which the judge order $70 a month plus $50 a month for ex's lawyer fees. Long story but ExH lied about giving me paperwork, couldn't produce anything but hey let's side with EXH (manwhore).

It seems that since DD has been born, I am responsible for her. I'm not sure how DH came to the conclusion that I should be footing the entire bill but it's pretty apparent this is how he feels. My friend has been working with me, like no other daycare will. She even agreed to watch DD while I was away for a week for work. So I now owe her $500, I do not have it. I can muster up maybe $200. I haven't paid the judge order medical for November because honestly I DO NOT HAVE IT. On top of that, the govt is saying we may be laid off in December because the budget hasn't been settled and congress is saying outloud, they will stalemate the president.

2 weeks ago DH left to go 3-4 hours away out of state to work for the week. I told DH I was broke, not kidding I had $1.48 in my checking account. I asked DH for $10 because I bought a filter for the house, I hadn't budget it, couldn't afford it. He asks why I need it, WHAT?

Now since DD has been born I have paid the daycare all but $100, she's been watching her now a year. I have paid for all but 3 things of formula and 3 things of diapers. If I ask DH for money, he wants to know what I spent MY money on. I didn't share checking accounts and money with him because EXH took money, overdrew our accounts, so I didn't want to go through that again.

Here is the kicker, HE (dh) bought a house last december, I couldn't put my name on it because EXH ruined my credit when he abandoned our family home. Court did nothing by the way and I had an agreement that said he needed to take over payments. I pay the mortgage, all but $25 of it. DH says he can't afford to pay the mortgage because he has to pay his bills which consist of 2 car payments (1 I drive) but I didn't ask him to buy. My car is broken down and he didn't want to fix it because its a 1999 with over 200,000 miles.

I have tried repeatedly to make him understand I can't do this anymore. I'm going to end up in court again because I can't pay the stupid $70 and $50. My friend may end up not watching our daughter because I can't pay her the full amount. My cell was turned off last week, so I have to pay that fully (the bill includes his parents phones they can't afford) or else I will loose the only phone I have. DH called when I told him my phone was shut off complaining his parents would be upset because they give me the $20 a month, yo stupid, it's $35 to include taxes. I dont fuss over it because his parent's have given me a loan last year to help me out with CS stuff when I was laid off. I say loan but they aren't asking me to repay them.

My friend told me today, she's not one to get involved. I should find a place closer to work, just leave and it would be better. Once our DD was born it's like he decided he "had" me and turned into a person, I seriously don't even like most of the time. I am miserable, broke beyond and he goes away again to work today back 3-4 hours away. He comes home tonight and I know it's going to be a huge fight. I told my friend about everything and I apologized but I understand she needs the money too. I hadn't been telling her all the stuff because she has a great husband, me #2 and they both suck.

I guess this is just a vent and a crying moment for me. I can't get ahead, hell I can't even make the ends meet. DH did give me the $50 card for his phone activiation, which I've used for gas and parking this week, plus food, we have nothing at home barely, so I bought some cheap stuff at work.

I know alot of people have to deal with financial issues but DH has 5 credit cards, 1 he doesn't even know I know about. He seems to always have some money or way to pay for what he wants, needs or for skid shit.

I know I will hear leave, I can't seriously my credit score is so low no one will rent to me. I dont have family as I was abused as a child, so no contact with any of them, except a cousin who already has 4 kids living in a 3 bedroom home, her oldest just went to college, so it was 5. Her husband is muslem and I can't live there, because I dont follow those rules. He's not a mean man, it's just his rules, religion is different than mine.

I feel horrible today and knowing I had to face my friend about my financial problems has made it worse. It's simple for her, ask DH, her's would work 5 jobs if it meant she wanted something or needed it. The writing is on the wall, and this marriage is ending, whatever part of it was ever a marriage. I feel bad for MIL/FIL because if I leave, they will loose the land they gave US even though it's in his name. FIL wouldn't give it to him before because he knew his son, he asked me 10 times would I be able to do it.

I really hate this life and what I've become. My daughter is young and doesn't know what's going on yet but my older kids would just loose it if they didn't see DH anymore, they love him and don't know any of this. I guess I know why my health is failing. The stress of my life is going to kill me slowly but it's going to kill me. I already have a constant back ache, my migranes are back (been gone since HS) and I had stomach issues yesterday and today for no reason.

I pray for DH to hear me, really hear me and see the light. It's not happening. Sad



Stacey, I told the judge at the time they were imposing these amounts, I absolutely couldn't afford it. Too bad is what I was told. I have requested to have the CS reduced based on my child but the child enforcement isn't budging to do it. They say she must be part of the CS to take her in consideration, so basically she doesn't matter.

I just had to get this out. I told DH he has to give me money for the babysitter, I'm behind and he asked how much and why didn't you say something. Shit I've been saying I'm so broke I can't afford to buy groceries even and that I can't keep this up, apparently he isn't listening.

DH is worried about stupid xmas presents. I told him to bankrupt ourselves over stupid gifts, when these kids have other parents is insane. We bought a few things, let that be it and if they aren't grateful for that, then take the shit back.


When I got laid off for 3 weeks last year, they told me I was still responsible for the $550 for that month. Apparently in our state, if you haven't consistently been laid off for a year or had a definitely change due to not your control in job for a year, you should just pay it.

How you ask? I asked too.


The car he pays for I am driving. My personal car is broke down which is why he said that he needed to buy this car. I have told him how much I pay, he just has his excuses.

He will be working overtime, so I told him I need him to help pay these things. It doesn't look good as far as us being laid off again. I've heard nothing to say that congress is working towards a budget. I'm a federal employee, we use to be safe from all this but now it's a constant thing every year. We haven't had a raise in 4 years before this .5% we got this year which doesn't cover our insurance.

I understand what you are saying about the shelter but honestly I dont want to go there, plus EXH would take me to court and get full custody of our children BS13 and BD9 stating I can't take care of myself. Exh takes me to court at least 3-4 times a year on trivial stuff. It's never ending.

Flying.Purple.Step.Monster's picture

You might be able to find a house to rent as long as it's not listed through a rental agency? You might have to pay a bigger security deposit though. Do you know anyone you can just rent a room from until you get back on your feet? Once you leave then you can petition the state for CS from your DH for your DD and perhaps that will lower the CS you pay?

misSTEP's picture

Unfortunately, the only way you can force your DH to pay his share of DD's upbringing is to divorce him and file for CS yourself.

furkidsforme's picture

If your husband won't help support your child together, and will not help support the household, then he isn't much of a husband at all, is he???

You need to have a come-to-jesus talk. Either he starts helping to pay, or you walk. You are already doing it alone.

I'm not sure if he is a dunce and has no idea how financially strapped you are (maybe he thinks you are exaggerating???) or if he suddenly decided he was a sperm donor only.


I've talked to DH. He acts as though he didn't know how financially bankrupt I am but I have told him, many many times. DH is working a job that wants him to do alot of overtime until March, so I told him he needs to give me some of that extra to help pay the babysitter and other things.

I really think DH thought when he married me, he no longer had to "take care of" me because I worked and had a job. I didn't tell DH if I was broke when we were dating, who would?

His idiot Ex wife never worked, so he funded the entire household. I still dont know how he did that with what he makes.

He seemed to understand since I was close to tears when I talked to him but it's almost like when I'm upset he's a different man and then when I'm not but try to be rational, he's an ass. I guess he's agreeing to get me to keep status quo. I'm not going to though. I'm thinking about transferring what I can afford for the house and tell him good luck with the remainder. I also pay the car insurance, which is an insane amount at $160.00.

I dont know why he thinks I shit money, man do I wish I did. I just think the stress of everything in step life is making me miserable. I dont think I was cut out for this and I dont feel love is enough anymore. There will be more talks this weekend while we drive out on saturday.