Finally Fed Up
My boyfriend's daughter went to a party on Saturday with her biomom (on our weekend) and then she had to work from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. When we picked her up she wanted us to stop and get her a calzone, which we did (we had already had dinner earlier). We went home and my boyfriend told his daughter that he would be waking her up around 11:00 a.m. the next morning to spend some time with her before she had to go to work at 5:00 p.m. Well, 11:00 a.m. the next day he woke her up and she screamed at him telling him she was tired and to leave her alone. She had no problem on Saturday getting up when she was going out with mom. We had planned to have a barbecue (ribs - her favorite) and spend time with her at the pool. It escalated from there. When she did get up she slammed the bathroom door - that's when I said something and she started screaming at me telling me to mind my business... It is my business - it's my house. Her father and her then went round and round and he told her to pack her room and he was calling her mother - he told her she was no longer allowed at our house - she didn't want a father, didn't appreciate either one of us, was extremely disrespectful and spoiled rotten and until she grows up, she can stay with her mother. He also told her that whenever she is around she makes everyone miserable - carrying on like a two-year-old and pouting when she didn't get her way and she never, ever apologizes for anything because it is never her fault...It was a little extreme and I was upset, but my boyfriend said it would wake her up and until her mother stopped interferring with discipline, etc., it was never going to end.
- smcpaw's blog
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Comments upsetting as that upsetting as that must have been. I think she got the message!! Her behavior is not acceptable!! Later on in life when she grows up a little more she will look back and appreciate the "tough love". Although she probably doesn't think that now...she knows she's playing her parents..all teens do it..they're not stupid...someone has to be the parent and it doesn't sound like her mom is much of one!! I'm sure you will all work through it in time....
I told my boyfriend the same thing - but I don't think she is capable of feeling remorse - she stayed away last time for four months until her mother and her had an argument. Boyfriend promises that there will be no more revolving door when she has another fight with mom. He completely cleaned out her room, threw away her bed and delivered the rest of her things to her mother's house. Wow, what a tough thing for my boyfriend to go through but he is tired of her running the show.
Hurrah, someone said something to the Princess Diva
Hi smcpaw,
Well, it's about time you got your house back! Things will be a bit awkward for a little bit, but maybe if you're lucky your SD isn't as dense as brick, like mine was. Only time will tell. I know you're upset, I was upset when this stuff happened with both my SK's, but there really isn't much you can do about fighting with their disrespective behavior, it's so disruptive at home, it's starts to affect everything. Wait and see how the chips fall and keep us up to date. We're standing behind you.
Thanks Sweetie -
It almost sounds like your situation. It is truly exhausting and emotional. At least we have some peace now that she isn't at our house.
Good for her, I'm glad your
Good for her, I'm glad your BF decided to kick her out for now until she learns to behave. I would have done the same, give her to her mother until she learns mannerism. It is just exhausting to have someone make your day miserable whenever that person is around. Hope she'll realize that she has been a pain in the you know what.
Thanks Happy Mom
She will probably never learn - she is incapable of having any feelings - the only one that matters is her. Her mother justifies her every behavior. Well, we'll see what happens now. Her room is completely empty and I for one will not refurnish it the next time she has a fight with Mom. I only hope my boyfriend insists that she change before being allowed to come back around. She was so disrespectful to both he and I and she truly could use some tough love - maybe even boot camp!