Just wanted to share :)
We had our 5 months ultrasound yesterday. It was great. We took our son (17 months) with us to the appointment We found out that we are having a little GIRL!!! MY hubby is off the wall. My ss visits tonight so we will tell him then.
- skye22's blog
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That's great!
I think that is awesome.
When I was pregnant with my little angel (10 yrs ago) she had 200 outfits with tags on them in her closet and 40 pairs of shoes.. All before she was even born.
Crazy... I know..
So have fun shopping.. I loved every minute of it..
We cleared out a few stores
We cleared out a few stores yesterday after the appointment
I had a blast! Its going to be so much fun to have a daughter.
Just remember all the fun now..
Because that will give you the strength to make it thru the terrible teenage years.. Make sure the baby album is always out so you can go back to those memories when you want to pull your hair out cuz she knows it all by the age of umm like 13.. LOL I am kidding.. Its awesome..
And girls are so much funner to shop for they don't say NO ever.. to shopping..
That is awesome!
Congratulations skye22!
That is Wonderful
Little girls are sooooo much fun. I had my Daughter Abigail 5 months ago, and the fun never ends. She's my first so I'm hoping I have a liitle boy next. Anyway Congrats. I hope you have an easy labor with no problems.
Thank you! I really love the
Thank you! I really love the name you picked for yout daughter. We have that one as a top choice
I feel really really blessed to now have one of each, a boy and a girl.
I am so excited & envious. I am dying to know what I am having. DH, & my family keep rferring to the baby as a girl. My mom even gave her a frilly dress at xmas. Since I don't really have morning sickness I have people tell me it's a boy. Even BM ( who gave DH 2 boys ) said when DH was telling her what the heart beat was (148)that the boys were about the same so don't go by that. Higher heart beat is supposed to indicate girl.
We are planning on bringing the boys with for the u/s that will reveal the sex. They are really into the baby thing. DH watched " In the womb, baby animals " with them on Monday so they are really jazzed up.
I am so happy for you! Do you have a girls name picked out yet?
Thank you! I hear you, the
Thank you! I hear you, the wait for the ultrasound was difficult for me too. I was a total countdown queen
From my personal experience all the 'myths' were true with both of my babies.
My son always had a heartbeat of 145-150. And I never had any morning sickness with him at all. But I did have extreme constipation. I carried really low with him. Funny thing is I swore I was having a girl but he was indeed a boy.
With this baby I had horrible morning sickness for the first 13 weeks. And the heartbeat was always around 165-170. ANd I am carrying this baby much higher. For the second time I was wrong, I believed this baby to be another boy and shes actually a girl.
Who knows.... Just my thoughts
Good luck with your pregnancy. How far alone are your.
Nope, no names just yet. We are having a really difficult time
But the search continues.
I am at the end of month 3
I have blossomed pretty early. I only gained around 4 pounds but my (lower) belly is sticking out there & my breasts are about a cup size bigger. I went into this heavier than I normally am because I gained weight after I lost the last baby because I was depressed, but this is all pregnancy. DH loves it.. it is kind of hard for me.
Other than constant exhaustion & the usually issues with my neck & headaches I feel really good. I am occasionally naustious but nothing bad. Great as I work at 7am so there is no time to be sick.
We both really want a girl, but something tells me this baby is a boy. If its a girl she will be Lillian Rose & be called Lily. If it's a boy he will be Daniel Jon.
I am just so happy to be able to have a baby... I just want t o know so we can start planning. Whoever said patience is a virtue had to be on crack!
When's your due date, sweetthing?
Mine is July 19th. We must be pretty close.
Ooh, I'm so excited for you!
I know you guys were really rooting for a little girl, so you must be on cloud 9 right about now! Her big brothers will just love looking after their little sister. Congratulations!
Thank you! We are so happy
Thank you! We are so happy and excited
I son is always grabbing my tummy and saying 'baby' and my stepson is kind of iffy about the whole thing. Its great! My hubby is so elated about having a daughter, he can't contain himself. And I have gone nuts with pink everything in the past few days. Aren't you finding out here really soon also?
I was hoping to find out last Monday!
I was hoping to find out last Monday but I had to cancel my appointment at the last second because I caught a horrible case of the 24-hour stomach flu. So now I have to wait until next Monday! Argh!
If anyone else dares say to me, "oh you must have had morning sickness" I swear I will ring their necks!
Oh, I didn't know that morning sickness suddenly hits you at 15 1/2 weeks, gives you a 102-degree fever and the aches and shakes for 24 hours and then goes away as quickly as it came on! I was sick as a dog - not morning sickness! What's more, I had the same thing at 8 weeks. This is so unfair! Plus, it worries me for the baby's sake because a sustained fever can be dangerous in terms of birth defects. Scary! The OB says I probably have nothing to worry about, so I'm trying to listen to him and not be a worry wort.
Oh well, so I have to wait until next Monday to find out what flavor the baby is. At least at 16 1/2 weeks it will be more likely to be able to tell. I'm so excited, I can't wait to find out!
Again, I am so happy for you and your hubby. What great news!
To all expecting ladies
CONGRATULATIONS - wow. Seems like a lot of you have something good to look forward to other than the usual drama. Wish you all the best as you wait for the arrival of your new bundles of joy. Keep your heads up all you beautiful moms. Lots of love
Yayyyy Skye!
Congrats on the little GIRL! We will have a little skye22 soon!!!
Make a GREAT Day!