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This weekend

sixxnguns's picture

I have to say that after talking to my fiancee about my last blog this weekend has been less stressful than I expected...He actually sees that BM is turning his son into a monster...he won't listen, he's throwing fits now when he doesn't get his own way over here and Fiancee isn't having any of it...I'm actually proud of him! I told him things will more than likely be like this every other weekend...I have disengaged though...fiancee is in charge of his kid and he's actually doing a great job! We're not getting married until next year so I have time to think things over...but if he keeps doing what he's doing this weekend things will be fine...I think I can tolerate golden child every other weekend...

As for the inlaws...they can kiss my a** I don't care anymore..fiancee is actually starting to open his eyes to see how manipulative his family is...he's a good guy inside..he just needs some guidance :)And it's finally been realized that my daughter isn't the real problem around here..she was getting blamed for alot of SS's spoiled brat behaviors because of her disorders, now that she's on her meds, SHE is being the well behaved one....and it's being seen by y fiancee...I'm glad he's finally seeing the real truth!


pissedoffinNC.'s picture

I'm so glad that he came to his sences!! YES!!! HANG IN THERE!!

"Challenges are what make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."
-Joshua J. Marine