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Quotes for today

Shopaholic's picture

As we all know it is very hard being a SM and sometimes we get so caught up in it all we forget about ourself and our relationships, so here are two quotes from two old friends that I thought I would share with you:

"You need to be happy first, before you can make others happy"

"Relationships should compliment your life, not complicate it!"


"May the force be with you!"

Smile Ha! Ha!


AC's picture

I think we all need to print these quotes out put them on the fridge or by the computer at work to help us through this SM journey we have chosen. I went to Borders bookstore yesterday and bought a couple of books on stepparenting. I hope they help me understand how I can eliminate some of the frustrations. Hugs to all of you.

fizzyfuzzy's picture

What books did you buy? I've never looked b/c I'm afraid of "offending" DH but I think I need the help before I lose it Smile

AC's picture


Here is the list. Maybe I went a bit overboard but that shows how desperate I am.

At borders I got: Idiot's Guide to stepparenting and Ex-Wives and Ex-Lives: Survival Guide for the Next Wife.

I also bought some on Amazon:

1 of: The Single Girl's Guide to Marrying a Man, His Kids, and His Ex-Wife: Becoming A Stepmother With Humor And Grace
Sold by:, LLC

1 of: Stepwives: Ten Steps to Help Ex-Wives and Step-Mothers End the Struggle and Put the Kids First
Sold by:, LLC

1 of: Keys to Successful Stepmothering (Barron's Parenting Keys)
Sold by:, LLC

1 of: The Enlightened Stepmother: Revolutionizing the Role
Sold by:, LLC

Colorado Girl's picture

needs to e-mailed to BM!!!!

I always have hopes that she finds happiness, because I just know that if she were happy she would quit trying so hard to make everyone around her so miserable.