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OT - Have any of you taken belly dancing lessons?

Shaman29's picture

And if so, what did you think of them? I understand they are great for your core and lower back.

There is a local class that has lessons $88 for 8 lessons.


zerostepdrama's picture

I love it when we do a little belly dance in Zumba. I do Zumba 2-3 days a week. I can totally see an improvement in my abs.

sundowner's picture

YES..I did..and allowed myself to laugh at my attempts to dance..I loved it..great exercise and stress reliever..treat yrself to the full costume and all those pretties..Dance as if no one is watching!

Sunflower1's picture

I used to belly dance professionally and teach. Belly is a grounded dance so even women with no prior dance history can do it. It's a very good work out and the costumes are so much fun to make. I highly recommend it for anyone looking to get out of the gym for some light cardio. Women who are pregnant should ask their doctor first though, shimmying causes major vibrations in your hips, could be bad for baby.

Lalena75's picture

Belly, and swing I love them both swing was 6$ once a month and belly 15$ a lesson I miss it so much I can't wait to have money and my Tuesday nights back to go dance. It's worth it and a good instructor makes any age and body type feel confident and comfortable.