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How communication should be

SASX's picture

I really hope BM was listening on her parents end of the conversation.

BM's dad just called. After some initial chit chat, he moved on to what he was calling in regards to. This year is SO's year to have the kids for Thanksgiving. The whole four day weekend, whether or not it is his week.

BM's parents are having a lot of family in over that weekend and are holding off their Holiday dinner until Saturday evening so all can attend. Her father asked SO if he and BM's mom could pick the kids up Saturday and return them on Sunday so they could see aunts, uncles and cousins that they rarely get a chance to see.

SO was concerned that a drive that long on the day of the dinner would be too much for her parents, so he offered to meet them halfway on Friday evening to drop the kids off to them so they would not have to drive at all on Saturday and the kids could return home with BM, who could drop them off to him since the following week would be his week- to save her parents the drive.

Her dad is agreeing, states that if she is not willing to drop off the kids he will drive them back down since SO is letting them have the kids for their family get together. He asked SO if anything was needed in writing and SO told him he was uncertain, CO states he and BM have to have the ok in writing for each other to take the kids out of the county, does not say anything for grandparents, but to be on the safe side he will send him an email showing he is fine with the kids being with the grand parents from Friday eve until Sunday eve in Jacksonville.

BM's dad thanked SO and the call ended. Simple, sweet, to the point, both sides working together. I am really hoping he made that call in front of BM to show her how communication is supposed to work!
