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oh no not a day early :-(

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

FDH purposely didnt tell me SD was coming a day early. The brat got dropped off at 10pm last night while i was half asleep. FML Fridays are a usually an early day at work for me. I think im going to be "delayed"


Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

B/c BM is an idiot and shuffles this kid around constantly, anytime, all the time so she nvr has this kid. She supposedly works 3rd shift every Friday so drops her off whenever she feels like it.

Last-Wife's picture

Not your kid, not your problem. If DH didn't involve you in the decision for skid to arrive early, it's not your responsiblity to worry about morning care when you have to get to work...

Rose.Colored.Glasses's picture

Its not the morning i care about...its the extra day of bullshit i will have to endure when i get home.