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The boy ....

RhondaJSharp's picture

We have all 6 kids over, and the boy took his medicine and still acts like an ass.
Last night all hell broke loose, we sent kids to the room and the 16 year old went crazy again. My husband had to restrain him, cuz he wouldnt stop swinging. But in the end he ran down the street to call the police and try to put his dad in jail. It ended up back firing on him. The boy went to the hospital in an ambulance and the mom picked him up there. But Tuesday we have to go meet with a juvenile officer, we are going to try to get him placed some where else. Personally I think he needs to be committed. Yes he has bipolar. He takes his medicine, but it dont help. I have been with my husband for 3 years, and the boy was like this even then, it has just escalated into some thing worse and worse. My two year old is scared of him. You cant be loud around him or he will get scared. I really do hate this kid. And I am praying that his parents will get together and put him in his place. And it is not with any of us. His mother doesnt want him with her because he is to much to handle. I hope my prayers are answered. I dont know what to do, if nothing is done. I dont want to leave. But my other kids dont need to be around this crap.


Most Evil's picture

Wow that is sad, and scary too. Of course you can't have SS around your other kids if he is violent. Maybe his medication needs to be changed somehow?

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Will Rogers