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Reality has smacked me in the face

Regretful1's picture

I have been married for 4 months now...I have 2 sons, 5 and 8yrs, of whom I have 50/50 custody. I also have SS8 and SD11 who come over EOW (also 50/50, but different schedule than my kids). I had NO idea how difficult it would be to be a step-parent! I have an especially difficult time with SD11. DH treats her differently than the boys (he treats his son and mine the same, for the most part). DH is kinda chauvanistic, and thinks women need to be taken care of...his ex stayed home and perpetuated 'women are helpless' idea...I work as a software engineer, lots of stress...wouldn't mind being 'taken care of' a little!! SD calls EVERY NITE and says 'nite-nite, sleep tights'...DH talks to her with MUCH babytalk and even lisps!! It is disgusting!! He coddles her and carries her to the car and fastens her seat belt...did I mention she is the OLDEST of 4 kids...? The youngest being only in kindergarten?? She is in middle school!!! She cries EVERY night at our house...she asks for help with the SMALLEST of tasks, like, "Open the shampoo for me" (and it wasn't hard to open!!). I feel like I am living with a miniature version of the EX and it KILLS me!! I don't know how to handle the anger this causes me!! She thinks BM's S$it smells like roses (doesn't know she cheated on her dad and that's why they divorced). She has pictures of her mom in her wedding dress in her my house! I don't know how to handle this!! She can do no wrong in DH eyes, yet he is very hard on the boys!! He will yell at the boys, but will (literally) laugh as he is 'correcting' SD. He gets angry at ME when I point this out to him...and I do so in as diplomatic a manner as I can...HELP!!!!


Gmama's picture

My DH babies his son to. He is 10, the same age as my daughter. My daughter is so grown up,or mature. we talk about boobs, she knows what a peirod is. she takes horse riding lessons,she actually cracks me up,because I almost feel like shes 20 sometimes, she doesn't seem afraid of anything. on the other hand he won't even send his son on a plane to and from home with a paid attendent, (he lives out of state) the kid has flown atleast a dozen times.always with his mom, but I think if he would put him on a plane whilr he is here he would be fine.Actually we had the talk this mporning about how to get him back home,he lives 1400 miles away, with gas, hotels,eating, wear and tear on MY car I told him to figure it out,to drive him back is about 100.00 more then flying, of coarse BM wont use the kids CS money for transportation, she could to get him hear, but no way for us to use it get him home. I told him PIss on her if she wants him back tell her we have NO money,so she can buy the damn ticket.Bottom line my DH wont stand up to HER,and won't MAKE SS do anything that would cause him to be independent. wish I could be more help..Stay in touch on this sight. your pretty new to step parenting, these people help alot.

KittyKat's picture

Wow, I feel your pain!! I think the most maddening thing about this (my adult SDs are in their late 20s and still think they are daddy's they hate my a$$!) is that you are a professional person, as am I, who is dealing with such pettiness that you feel like YOU must be the crazy one!! I could sense the anger in your words, and I am there NOW, too...and you are probably not "like that".

I HATE the person I become because of the anger I have toward his adult daughters. And, same thing, if I say anything to him about how they bully him (and try to bully me around), I AM THE BAD ONE!!
They know they don't have to treat me well; he's not going to defend me to them. If I complain or get upset, it just gets pooh-poohed

I just joined this site last week, and it has truly changed my life.
I no longer feel like an out-of-control maniac who has to just "sit there and take it"; I started STANDING UP for myself. DH doesn't like it, and that's where we are now. We are arguing like mad. But as I've posted on many blogs, if our marriage breaks up, I hope those nasty WITCHES are happy.

Wicked2Three's picture

Your comment "I HATE the person I become because of the anger..." Is exactly how I was feeling a few weeks ago before joining this board and going to see a councelor. I have read and responded to your posts and i hope you don't think I was in any way trying to convince you to saty in an unhappy situation. I had those feelings of having lost myself completely. I have gone to the councelor once and he recommended that I read about boundaries. Even though I thought it was silly at first, it was really eye opening. I also agree with not being "like that". How did we ever let anyone else have so much control over us that we for got who we are?

KittyKat's picture

Wicked (and I dislike calling you that because you seem like a total JOY to be around)....I was a little paranoid about revealing too much of myself here in case "they" found me (OH, would they be PISSED), but I have been a high school teacher for 20 plus years!! I have NEVER had a problem with YOUNG WOMEN (oh, sure, you meet a total jerk here and there), but I am TOTALLY a "you-go-girl!" type of teacher, I have coached sports.I STILL have students who come back to see me or make it a point to keep in touch. That's my point...I KNOW IT IS NOT ME!! But, as I said in former blogs, these BRATS had no boundaries as teens. None. BM (who I actually really LIKE and who has TOLD ME THAT they are MEAN TO HER, TOO!!) took off when they were teens, left dad (my now DH, who I did not know at the time) to raise them. As I say, I would NEVER condone a woman leaving her children, but if I had to come home to them carrying on like crazed animals (they were truant, mouthy, just BAD), I WOULD LEAVE, too. Daddy wasn't really a hands-on parent (think Kramer vs. Kramer if you're old enuf to remember that movie), so it was utter chaos. So, when I came into the picture (even tho they were IN THEIR 20s) they HATED me instantly.
All of the sudden there were CALLING at all hours; no YELLING AND SCREAMING. And, DH, of course, would blame ME for picking on them because that's the ONLY BEHAVIOR HE KNEW from them.

I think WE ALL NEED THIS PLACE!! I'll call you THREE, because I can't use "WICKED" to you....we are NOT "like that"....but sometimes EVIL PEOPLE bring out the worst in us. Maybe, collectively, we can all just FIND PEACE that we know we deserve. Thanks so much! Smile

Anonymousforsure's picture

I don't understand why these dads cannot see how they are crippling their daughters. They are creating problems for these women in their future marriages as well. When these women have children, how will they raise their children? To be brats. It's a cycle that could be stopped by the dad making them learn to be respectful. It's sooooo simple.

SerendipitySM's picture

Wicked - "How did we ever let anyone else have so much control over us that we forgot who we are? Wow - that is something I think about a lot lately. I never thought I would allow a couple of kids to intimidate me and basically scare me as much as they do. I don't even think they realize it - it's just my own insecurity - thank god for counseling....

Sita Tara's picture

Ok. First of all welcome here. We are a really supportive and gently honest (most of the time Wink ) group of SMs, Sfs, BMs and BFs (let me know if those need defining, I've been here a little while now and forget at times how confusing those abbreviations are.)

Being both SM and BM is a challenge (what part of blending isn't I suppose!)

I think I understand some of your feelings about feeling like you're living with a miniBM, I have that due to SD and BM both having the same Personality Disorder. In my case BM calls me lazy and fat to SD, makes fun of the fact that I am a stay home mom and doesn't acknowledge I actually am a writer/actor/photographer/sometimes instructor and public speaker.

Her attitude toward me is ironic since BM worked only sporadically during their marriage, dropped out of school with one semester -that her dad was paying for- right before marrying DH, then went back and finished that degree plus got an RN on DH's dime, with SD either in daycare or with DH.

By comparison, for 6 years I worked full time, had shared parenting with my ex, put myself through college, kept a mortgage and fixed up my little house on my own. I met DH with 4 semesters left on my BA, a year later planned a wedding in 6 weeks during my next to last semester, got married on spring break, got pregnant the next month, spent my last semester ready to give birth any day, and graduated with honors 10 short days before Anna was born. Chubby? Maybe- had THREE kids, not ONE. Lazy? Really? Over ambitious perhaps, lazy no. However, SD was only around for a year of my working/student life so she has been brainwashed by BM as if that part of me never existed. Also, because I am a writer, trying to work on a few plays and one novel, and SD accuses me of being addicted to the computer and not there for her. One week I was working on a photography job, editing pics and creating a slide show, that I had been PAID to do, and SD got in my face about my not paying enough attention to her because I'm always playing on the computer.

My (long winded) point is that your resentment cannot be relayed to the kids. In my case SD is taking in her BM's opinion and making it her own. It's easy for her to believe I'm a wicked SM. And no matter if it hurts some, I can handle it. In your case, I'm afraid the kids will pick up on your feelings, even if you don't express it to them directly. And I don't think the kids will side with you and against their own mom. Sometimes they don't even if deep down they know it's true. They'll read into every sigh, every angry look, etc. And they will turn on you, even if you happen to be right and justified. Because she's their mom.

You may want to talk to a counselor (bring DH sometimes if at all possible) to find ways to figure all of this out. I think that your resentment of BM in this case will poison your relationship with your DH, and your Skids. I know it is so incredibly difficult to separate SK's from their mom, especially when she is either judgmental of you, or is poisoning the SKids and using them to get to you. But they are still kind of young and way impressionable. They aren't the same person. And they are also part of your DH.

It may be that you are overwhelmed and likely just now starting to realize you are in a potentially "over your head" experience with blending two houses. Is DH supportive of you?

As I said before, Welcome. We are all there and all here for you!

I would try really hard to find "Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra

Regretful1's picture

I do not show the resentment to the kids. I do not roll my eyes, or heavy sigh, or shoot them angry looks. Please do not assume that the anger you read is shown to them. I thought this was a place where I could safely vent. Please do not make the assumption that I am so immature as to show my adult resentments or anger to the children.

bellacita's picture

i dont think sita was judging or assuming u project ur anger to the kids. i think she was just trying to welcome u and give u helpful tips on what to do and what not to do. in blended families its hard not be resentful and sometimes that gets displaced over to the kids...doesnt mean we're immature, it means we're human.
u have found a place where u can vent and speak freely w/o one is going to think u are a bad person for saying how u feel, we'll just try to help u feel better about it all.
welcome by the way!

Regretful1's picture

Thanks...I guess I felt a little judged because she said "In your case, I am concerned that ..."

I really like this site, and really, everyone I have 'read' about. I appreciate your kind words. Smile

bellacita's picture

and posting for the first couple times, its hard not to be a bit defensive and feel alittle judged. these are most likely feelings u havent expressed to anyone before and ur afraid of how u will be perceived bc of it. youre also prob afraid of hearing the harsh truth.
like CG said, dont feel like u have to be on the defensive here. if we were all perfect we wouldnt need this site! what bothers one person may roll off anothers back, but that person may struggle w another area. thats what we're here bounce ideas off each other and receive the help, advice, truth and support we need!

SerendipitySM's picture

Welcome Regretful - Bella is right - Sita is not trying to judge you in anyway. She is one of the most helpful and wise women on this site. Smile

Colorado Girl's picture

from ALL that MamaSita gathered that she was assuming that you were immature in your resentment. I think you should put your dukes down and maybe listen to someone who has been thru the ringer with her SD and her SD's BM. She's welcoming you with open arms and was trying to help.

I'm with Bella. You took it wrong.

And none of us are that good. If you're resentful - you're mood will show. Not even Oscar winners can mask resentment.

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

Sita Tara's picture

Til you were around a little longer. Didn't mean to come across as judgmental. I actually heavily think through responses and edit a lot to try to avoid it.

My first concern, and why I mentioned counseling, is your well being. All this anger is not healthy for you at all. Ulcers...cancers...and our favorite coping mechanism on this site, large quantities of CARBOHYDRATES will result in illness and muffin tops.

My other concern was that you seem to have so much anger and resentment, that you may be showing them your feelings without being necessarily aware of it, not that you were doing so intentionally.

Although I have been known to do my share of glaring, especially when SD is giving me an evil eye of mythic proportions- if it really worked to kill people I would be WAY gone by now. And as for sighing-boy is that one my own personal non-verbal slip-up. Believe me...I have a BA in theatre, have been complimented for my seemingly endless patience and painful self awareness and sacrifices for SD by people here, DH, my mom, my siblings, my cousin who had an awful SM when she was a kid, and SD's shrink. But at times I still feel like I don't do enough, put her feelings before mine enough, show her I care enough.

And four years into Step motherhood, I can't always keep my feelings about SD to myself. I've slipped up and let it out a few times. Especially when she's in my face screaming about what a horrible parent I am, and how I am not her mother (we have full custody) and have NO RIGHT to tell her what to do. Once SD turned on me when I answered her question (if I took my sons' Ipods from her room) with the question "How could I if they took them to their dad's like I told them to?" She screamed, "Don't you know when you LIE to me you TEACH me to LIE!" And I responded, "Don't you know I've given UP on you????"

I meant to say "on TEACHING you" but my REAL feelings, of wanting to throw in the towel on her and all the drama/anger that surrounds her, came out.
At four months in you are probably are holding it in better than me. BUT... kids do pick up on the slightest gesture, or reaction. Even if you honestly don't mean it. Kids are so egocentric by nature, so self scrutinizing. SD turns EVERYTHING into being about her. That same argument, where I interupted a scheme between her and my sons for her to use her mom's Credit card to download them Itunes, SD grilled me with, "Why shouldn't I bring them to my moms? Why do you think she will STEAL them???"


It never even crossed my mind. But SD is so insecure, so protective of her mom, that she imagines attacks that aren't even there.


If I upset you by saying too much. I apologize. I was really trying to help and thought your "Help!" at the end of your post meant you were asking for advice.

"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra

sparky's picture

He does all of that crap with an 11yo? I would be in his face about all of this. I would be shipping him off to get his head screwed on straight.

Regretful1's picture

In the past when I have tried he gets defensive (like I am attacking her, which I am not...) He gets tears in his eyes and says "I love that little girl" or "That little girl would never hurt anybody"...both comments are not really relevant...I know he loves her...I love my boys also...and I never accused her of hurting anyone...Basically, he just gets angry at me for feeling this way and that is that. It has caused my feeling for him to change some...

Regretful1's picture

In the past when I have tried he gets defensive (like I am attacking her, which I am not...) He gets tears in his eyes and says "I love that little girl" or "That little girl would never hurt anybody"...both comments are not really relevant...I know he loves her...I love my boys also...and I never accused her of hurting anyone...Basically, he just gets angry at me for feeling this way and that is that. It has caused my feeling for him to change some...

Elizabeth's picture

My husband is the same way (although not as bad now) with SD15. He got mad at her stepdad the other day because, get this, the man makes SD "carry her own bag." When they switch her and she has to go from husband's car to SF's car, he doesn't get out and take her bag from her. OK, she's 15. She can carry her own damn bag. We used to fight about that ALL THE TIME on trips because he would carry his own and SD's bags and leave the rest to me.

I sympathize with you! Stop doing things for her and let husband handle it. If he wants to run around and be at her beck and call (and he might), so be it. Maybe he'll wear himself out eventually or force her to become more self-sufficient.

sparky's picture

Maybe counseling would help you to deal with the anger. He definitely needs counseling over his daughter. Was your relationship with this dude always warped up or did it just become more exposed during the last 4 months?

StepLightly's picture

This is the perfect place to vent and your feeling are completely normal. I'm scared for you because I've been married to my DH for over a decade and his now-adult SDs are being so mean to us and especially me. I bent over backwards for these girls and did more for them that their BM ever did (high school teachers even said so!). They are spoiled, selfish brats who don't care about anyone but themselves. It's scary...I don't want you to end up where I'm at. Bad news = she will get worse. Good news = your DH will probably start seeing things for what they are as she ages.

Dreamer's picture

He kisses SD12 butt and she's the one I had to call the police on!
SD11 gets ignored and he gets pissed when I tell him. Oh and he seems to think he treats them the same. Both of my Skids are girls but I think he prefers SD12 b/c she looks most like him and everyone who knows him and BM think SD11 is not his. (BM had affairs during the marriage)

As for the picture!! God that pisses me off too!! They even made a point to wave it in my face on my anniversary!! The same anniversary that DH and I were supose to renew our vows and acually have a wedding! Just something small so our families could be there, since we were married in Las Vegas. We didn't get to do it b/c of the girls. I even sometimes wonder if there's a way to have them "lose" the pictures if that mess of a room...

Oh and I found a picture in DH wallet last week of him, BM, and the Skids! He's been hiding it for 5 YEARS!!! He saw how upset I was and cut BM out of the picture and gave it to me. }:) I poked pins in it over and over, then I set it on fire! Do you think it might be like VooDoo and she felt it? I could only wish.

Don't fear the thorns among the Roses, but be greatful for the Roses among the thorns

unknown's picture

it makes divorced parents act like idiots.

Just trying to be a Stepmom without getting Stepped On.