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Two flyouts scheduled! Woo hoo!

Rags's picture

One next week, one the last week of Jan.

Shits gettin real on the career front.  Finally.

Not unusual for mid year to the holidays to be pretty dead and then Jan explodes with opportunities.

Here is to hoping to land a unicorn fole for my career swan song.  Both of these roles are in house owner company roles rather than leading contracted  parther services efforts.  An owner company role rather than working for an OEM or contractesdservices company has been a goal I have had for quite some time.  Though one is at or above my historical peak seniority position level and is my preference.  The other is at a level I was first in 20 years ago.

Please wish me luck.



la_dulce_vida's picture

Yay!! Sending you wishes for the best of luck getting your dream job. Are both jobs remote or will a move be required?

Send some of that job-finding good luck in my direction for my daughter. DD30 was laid off from her Mechanical Engineering job as a design engineer in Texas nearly 6 months ago. She's been diligently looking for a job since right before the holidays.


Rags's picture

One i ssite based and will require a move.  

The better one will require a relo for a year after which I can office anywhere but will travel frequently.

I intend to negotiate the relo as a lump sum as we do not intend to jump into this inflated housing market.   That company offers executive team home sale and home purchase elements in their relo.  We do not own and do not intend to own anytime soon.

The site based opportunity has pretty good lump sum relo benefits. 

Either job, I intend to use the relo money to set up in that location and cover a year + of housing costs and pay for weekly flights home on the weekends or flights for DW to visit me Both are reasoably near major airports so with notable duration prior purchase are fares are in the $200 to $400 range.


CLove's picture

And prayers that the BEST thing will happen Biggrin cheers

ESMOD's picture

Best of luck Rags.. the hollidays are horrible for job hunting!  I'm sure you have a lot to offer and someone will be happy to snap you up!

TheAccidentalSM's picture

Hope you get the job you really want.